The Messiest of Life

Recently my clients have encountered something that, until I pointed out this messiest, they were clueless. Have you ever been in this situation before? Sure you have!  If you have ever moved, there comes a point when the movers open a drawer much like the one pictured above and merely dump the contents into paper, shove it in a box, and label it “misc.”

You then get to your new residence, and you unwrap the mystery “misc.” contents and you are immediately faced with a choice. Either you dump the contents into a drawer and in your head, you say: “I’ll organize this some other time, or you say, what do I need to get this drawer organized so I know where things are?”

Which person are you? I hate to say it, but I am the first. My spouse, on the other hand, stops everything, goes to Amazon or Home Depot, and gets the containers to set up shop and organize. What kind of mindset do each of us have do you think?

I admit it: I put off that which I think I do not have the bandwidth to manage at the moment.  My spouse is someone who thinks: get it done now, and I don’t have to do the organizing later.

My question is: “Does it matter which system or mindset you have?”

Yes, it does matter. Those of us who put off, AKA “Procrastinators,” carry the invisible load of the task with us through days, weeks, months, and in some cases, years, even though we have long forgotten that there is a drawer somewhere in our home that needs attention.

This same mindset is pervasive in our lives. It shows up in other areas in our personal lives and in our professional lives, too. If we extrapolate our thinking here, we will understand how we have foggy thinking is, can’t concentrate on anything for a period of time, we are always going from this thing over here to that thing over there, and we seem to have ADD!

If I ask you right now, “What holds the most important #1 spot in your day today?”  What would your answer be? This is going to come as a shock to you, but that #1 thing has become your “god.”  When your entire thought process, attention, and activity level revolves around something that is not “GOD,” that thing replaces Him and puts your #1 thing in His place.

This is a hard concept to follow, but I can assure you, that when you begin to evaluate who or what holds that #1 spot in your day, week, month, year and life, and it is not your Heavenly Father, life becomes messy and complicated just like that junk drawer from your move.

You may ask: “How to I put GOD back on His throne?”  That is easy to answer! Put him first before you get out of bed. When you open your eyes each morning, thank Him for your sleep, a new day, and ask Him: “Lord, what do you want me to do today to further Your Kingdom?”  Then, lay there and listen for His prompting.

I have practiced this and I have taught my clients this process for years and when this becomes an automatic habit you will be amazed at the following results:

  • You will accomplish everything you have to do if you put GOD first in the morning.
  • You will feel less stressed about the things that you are left undone.
  • You will eventually begin to see those things left undone, were not important to begin with.
  • You will have a sense of accomplishment.
  • That feeling of the unseen burden is suddenly missing.

You now have a big decision to make.

Do you want to continue down the path of the junk drawer?


Do you want to take a new path of putting GOD first every day and seeing accomplishments free you from the burden of the undone?

If you are ready to begin with the second option, give me a call or text me or send me an email and let’s get you on the right path to success!!!
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746

