The Messiest of Life
Recently my clients have encountered something that, until I pointed out this messiest, they were clueless. Have you ever been in this situation before? Sure you have! If you have ever moved, there comes a point when the movers open a drawer much like the one...
Red Alert!
What does that term me to you – RED ALERT? What about that icon symbol of the red triangle and the exclamation mark mean? One of my favorite tv shows in the 1970’s was Star Trek and when the red flashing lights and the words Red Alert were sounded by Bill Shatner...
Going, Going, GONE!!!
Does it seem to you that the years are flying by? It does to me. When I open my photos on my phone or computer and I see that transpired over the past year, I am amazed at what we did as a family, how our grandchildren have changed and grown from January to December...
Rounding The Corner
We’ve rounded the last corner and are on our way home to the finish line for the “Great Race of 2024!” Congratulations, you are almost there! What has happened in your life this year? Do you realize that every day this past year, as I write this some 307 days has...
Seasons in the Life of Your Home
Recently, I traveled coast to coast and noticed the changing seasons across the United States. Where I live in California, we don’t really have a fall or winter. Yes, it gets down into the 40s, but it never freezes. Yes, we have a very brief spring, but since it...
In This World You Will Have Trouble
Our Omnipotent God is greater than any of my problems, challenges, troubles, perceptions, or ANYTHING! Do you believe this statement? If you do then you would not be constantly stewing in the problems, worries, challenges, and anxiety over things in this world....
Lost and Found
We’ve all been there; suddenly, we look for something valuable, and it isn’t where it's supposed to be. Panic usually ensues, and we look for our treasured item again and again. We retrace our steps and places to no avail. Finally, we seek out the “Lost and Found”...
Crashing Storms of Life
When was the last time you were at the beach and walking in the gentle surf only to be caught off guard and found yourself on the sand with a wave crashing down upon you? I know when this happens to me, I seem to flounder trying to regain my footing with the tide...
Beset By Little Things in Your Life?
Let’s talk about how the enemy operates. Have you ever noticed; you feel you are making headway on a goal or challenge and WHAM! Little setbacks show up, problems come out of nowhere, conflict with others increases, and you are derailed repeatedly by the tyranny of...
Walking As Jesus Walked
We’ve all seen this photo with its famous poem about Jesus carrying us. It is indeed powerful and inspiring. What if we went one step further in our lives? I just completed a 10-week small group study entitled: Walking As Jesus Walked with my small group by Dan...