Know What You Believe, and Why You Hold That Belief!
Our Mission and Vision for our Clients and Customers:
We are in the business of bringing out the brilliance that is already inside of each of our clients and our customers through powerful questions, teaching, coaching, training, and equipping them with skills and processes which will enhance their lives and businesses. We hold each client and customer in the highest regard and feel we must hold them accountable for their promises to further themselves in their private lives and professional lives.
Our Process:
Janice Bastani Coaching has a unique three-step process we use with our clients.
Awareness > Growth > Freedom
“We believe our clients are 100% responsible for all the decisions and choices they make in their lives and to accept the consequences, good and bad, that come with those decisions and choices.”

Janice Bastani
Janice Bastani Coaching is a full-service coaching business and online business, which is faith-based.
Janice Bastani Coaching is the umbrella business that houses all the coaching disciplines where Janice does her coaching business. Janice Bastani Coaching has been in business since 2004. JBC has a wide variety of coaching methodologies and processes, along with assessments that clients can choose. She has been a master mentor coach for her coaching school [IPEC] and niche mentor to hundreds of aspiring coaches
Janice Bastani
Janice Bastani Coaching is a full-service coaching business and online business, which is faith-based.
Janice Bastani Coaching is the umbrella business that houses all the coaching disciplines where Janice does her coaching business. Janice Bastani Coaching has been in business since 2004. JBC has a wide variety of coaching methodologies and processes, along with assessments that clients can choose. She has been a master mentor coach for her coaching school [IPEC] and niche mentor to hundreds of aspiring coaches
Our Services: Our services include but are not limited to:
1:1 coaching [virtual since COVID via ZOOM or other electronic medium]
Group Coaching [virtual since COVID via ZOOM or other electronic medium]
E-Learning Programs
John C. Maxwell Coaching and Training Programs
Transformation Leadership Tables
Biblical Leadership Transformation Tables
Energy Leadership Coaching and Assessment
DISC Assessment and debriefing
Emotional Intelligence Coaching and Assessment
Neuroleadership Coaching
MasterMind Groups
Customized programs and retreats [modified since the onset of 2020 COVID Pandemic]
Programs specifically designed for Women and Women-In-Business based on
EVE: Reclaim Your Power Book
Recent Blog Posts
Living in a Tangled Mess
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