What does that term me to you – RED ALERT? What about that icon symbol of the red triangle and the exclamation mark mean? One of my favorite tv shows in the 1970’s was Star Trek and when the red flashing lights and the words Red Alert were sounded by Bill Shatner the Captain of the Star Ship Enterprise, conditions changed immediately on that ship to prepare for something important about to happen.
What was a “Red Alert” moment for you last year? You sure don’t want to face that again here in this infant year of 2025, do you?
So, what can you do to protect yourself and be prepared?
I am sure lots of ideas will come to you immediately, but you now there are some simple basic things you can do spiritually as a Christian to put you on the right path and to keep you there.
Let’s explore them and see how many you believe will help you stay on the right path in 2025.
- When you open your eyes every morning – THANK GOD – that you have another day to serve while you are here on earth.
- Ask God before you get out of bed this: “Lord, what are the top three things you want me to serve today in my life?
- Open your curtains, blinds, or window coverings and see that beauty is immediately outside your window and give thanks.
- As you wash, dress and begin your day, give thanks again for the water, your clothing and all the necessities in your life that God has blessed you with.
- If you do your Bible Study, Reading, or Journaling in the early morning, again, that God that you have this quiet time, a Bible, materials to write on and to have this intimate time with Him.
- We are the ones who make our lives complicated, not God. He tests us in all the situations and decisions we will make during the day to hone us into His image. He has given us “Free Will” and if things get out of control or messes up, it isn’t God, it is of our own doing.
- Model Christ-Centered Living in all areas of your life, professional and personal. Others are always watching to see how you live, work, make decisions and apologize immediately when you are wrong.
If you are saying to yourself, this stuff is hard what you are asking. Really?
- How hard is it to not say thank you?
- How hard is it not to be honest?
- How hard is it to not care how you behave, act, or speak?
- How hard is it to immediately jump out of bed and or rollover and look at your phone and wonder: “What did I miss already?”
These sound ridiculous, don’t they, when you read them like this, but we all do it. We do it every single day!
God will not force you to do anything. One of these lessons I taught our children is that you can protest and force a no into a yes, but when you do that, you also choose to accept the outcome AKA consequences!
One day you and I will breathe our last breath and then stand before God to give an account of what we did here on earth in the years we lived. You and I may not remember a tenth of what we did or said, BUT GOD has a record of our life, and He will lay it out before each of us. Now, that’s a sobering thought isn’t it.
Making New Year’s Resolutions went out of my life long ago. What I realized is that each day is a “New Day” for me to change my life and to live a Christ-Centered Life. I keep short accounts, and I ask for forgiveness hourly somedays, and I give thanks to God all though the day for everything from sunshine, to blooming flowers, a lovely meal, a piece of fruit, from a smile, a thank you and so on. What about you?
This will be my 11th year leading a women’s Bible study and each year I challenge not only myself by those I lead in this study to grow deeper and live more aligned with and in Christ-Centered Living.
Each time I pick up my Bible, and read and study it, I see things with a new perspective based on the previous day’s events and situations. We ae so fortunate to live in a world in a country where we are free to read and study what we want. Other people around the world do not have this freedom.
As you think about this year before you – 2025- What do you want to do differently? How do you want to grow spiritually?
If you are looking for a mentor or someone to help you in the endeavor, please reach out and email me. Your journey begins with a simple conversation.
Walking Where He Leads Me,
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746