2024 proved to be a year of constant learning and new A-HAs for me as a lifelong learner. What about you? I changed my approach to coaching and mentoring my business clients as well as my clients who hired me for life coaching. What did you change in 2025 based on new learnings in 2024?
I am constantly amazed at the number of people in life who do not:
- Read a book.
- Listen to a podcast.
- Reflect on their day.
- Evaluate if they are living up to their values.
- Exhibiting the character, they say they have.
- Do not gossip or speak ill of those they know, work with or are their family.
And do you know what, their lives are full of unhappiness, frustration, broken relationships, and goals that never quite seem to get fulfilled.
Why do you think that?
When we fill our ears and eyes with what the world offers us in ways that require no real thinking and when we hear and see these same counterculture things thousands of times, we begin to believe what we see and hear even if it is pure poison. We freely partake because it is easier than doing the challenging work.
I took a six-week course in early spring 2024 called “Business Goals,” and it approached life and business from a whole unique perspective that I had not considered before, although I had some of the concepts in place in my business and personal life.
Let me tell you about some that will resonate with you, I believe.
- When you wake up in the morning, begin with “Thanksgiving.” What does this mean? It means thank God for a peaceful night’s rest and that you are still alive.
- Ask God what He wants you to accomplish today. This may seem odd at first, but my experience is that when you do this, everything else seems to fade away and you will feel more accomplished with the work you do.
- When you are questioning if you should plan, I learned there are eight confirmation questions you should be asking on a regular basis. This one may seem to be the hardest for those of you who are not believers, but it works for everyone. Here are the eight questions: one. Do you have a sense of peace about the yes, no, wait for your decision? 2. Look into your book of scripture to find confirmation. 3. Bounce your decision on 2 – 3 authorities around your decision. 4. Bounce your decision on 2 – 3 people in authority in your spiritual space. 5. Answer this: Has the opportunity presented itself or have you manufactured the opportunity? 6. Is the provision present? 7. Does your decision have common sense wisdom? And eight. If you are married, is your spouse in alignment with the decision?
- The course is set about conquering many of the questions, challenges, and dilemmas in business and in life. Each of these came with a video teaching from a leader and an interview with a professional who had conquered the issues presented in their own life and business and the results.
- The group present in the 6-week format then discussed the same issue and each person present had a different life perspective and experience which brought about a rich discussion from which all participants could draw from and then apply in their own situations.
There is much more that I could say about the “Business Goals” program, but you can experience it for yourself!
If you are interested in participating in a ZOOM remote classroom with others, please email me, and I will let you know when the next Business Goals 6-Week Program begins.
If you are looking for a mentor or coach to help you with your microphone, send me an email, and we can discuss the effective use of that microphone in your hands!
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746