Your Leadership Microphone

If you are a leader in an organization, then you may already know that your leadership comes with a big microphone.  When you speak, it has authority, and there is a sense that what you say is to be followed, acted on, or taken seriously.  However, some leaders abuse the microphone and can become dictators, tyrants, and simply untrustworthy because what they say and how they use the microphone is not backed up with integrity, competence, or truthfulness.

Think about that for a moment.  Who do you currently know who has a microphone?  How would you characterize how they use this important device in the day-to-day running of the company?

“Mastery” is a word seldom applied to those who run businesses.  And for good reason.  Many leaders are “green” – which means they are not familiar with how to run a business of any size, and are, so to speak, “learning on the job,” which isn’t ideal for those who work for them.  Then there are those few who are seasoned and excellent at running a business of any size because they have already made all the mistakes and learned from them and pass on those skills and knowledge and model that behavior in their running of a business to equip and lift those who work for them.

So, where do you fall in the scenario?

Let’s give you some questions and see how you are using your microphone in the context of your leadership.

  1. What are you broadcasting with your microphone to those who are under your leadership?
  2. Who is listening to your broadcast?

John F. Kennedy said this:

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”

Leaders need to know their limits.  We all have limits.

Leaders operate from their strength zone.  When we dwell on our weaknesses, we are not being effective leaders.

Leaders answer to a higher authority – God.  Speak to the highest level of audience – God.

Leadership is influence with impact.  The impact cannot come out of our weaknesses.

For impact to be made, both momentum and impact are needed.

If you are smart enough to employ an executive business leadership coach you have a rare opportunity to make a huge difference in the use of your microphone, in your leadership and the direction that you are leading your business and your employees.

After each coaching or mentoring session, your most valuable time is spent reflecting on, summarizing what you heard, and then creating and acting on the action steps you set up with your coach/mentor.

Here are some further ways to apply what you did in your coaching/mentoring session:

  • As yourself – “What did I hear?”
  • “What questions came up after my session?”
  • Summarize your action steps in “ONE WORD + A DATE.”
  • What additional ideas have come into your mind?
  • What support do I need in order to accomplish my action steps?
  • From whom do I need that support from?

“The outcome you receive today comes from what you attend to.” Dr. Henry Cloud.

You might want to consider the following prompt:  Write down 3 different ways in your daily vernacular that you will attend to.  Then answer this: “What did I accomplish today from my list?”

Focusing on these items will give you an advantage other do not have.  The advantage is you have a process to move forward upward and be a better leader than others who are running their businesses like a firefighter when there is a fire in their business.  There is no planning, no future, “What’s on fire at that moment!”

What are you focused on today?

What are you focused on this week?

What are you focused on this month?

What are you focused on this quarter?

What are you focused on this year?

Your perspective is the lens through which you lead, how you use your microphone and run your business.

I will leave you with this:

“Every 1 minute in preparation will serve you with 10 minutes of execution.”




If you are looking for a mentor or coach to help you with your microphone, send me an email, and we can discuss the effective use of that microphone in your hands!
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746

