In This World You Will Have Trouble

Our Omnipotent God is greater than any of my problems, challenges, troubles, perceptions, or ANYTHING!  Do you believe this statement?  If you do then you would not be constantly stewing in the problems, worries, challenges, and anxiety over things in this world.

Staying where you are, in the habits you currently have is safe, and comfortable, but Jesus told his disciples [and that means YOU], we are to “GO!” To GO and preach, to GO and live and model as HE lived and modeled.

Jesus told his disciples [and means you and me too], to MOVE!  MOVE from what?  We must be prodded by PAIN it seems until we are MOVED to MOVE.  Your PAIN will propel you forward or PAIN will keep you trapped in Satan’s world, of which he delights. What is your PAIN, Where is your PAIN?  Is your pain an addiction to something, that on the surface looks, and feels innocent?  Think about it.

Where do you spend most of your time during the day?


Internet Surfing

Channel Surfing





Searching for Answers


Watching TV

Watching Movies





Working Out



Drinking Alcohol

Social Drinking

Escaping from everything

Spending Money

Planning Something

Overindulgence in something

Each of these and thousands more has an antidote. Can you take each activity above and next to it write the antidote? Let’s look at a couple to get you started:

An Addiction – Sobriety

Indebtedness – Financially Responsible

Position & Power – Humility in Serving

Unpure Heart & Thoughts – Cleanliness

Possessed by Hatred – Forgiveness and Restoration

You are not a victim of these things mentioned above.  What you are is trapped in Satan’s reason for being here loosed on earth and he HAS YOU TRAPPED and just where he wants you.

You are bound up with these things which are meaningless and separates you from GOD.

This enemy, Satan, has already been defeated by Christ!  So why are you still suffering? You must CLAIM this truth!  Christ already defeated Satan.

How do I change this state of distracted, unhappiness?

God has a plan for your spiritual development.  All you have to do is begin and live His plan daily.  Let’s look at what that means in your life.

God wants only what is best for you, in your mind, spirit, body, and heart. Begin by praying to Him, reading His word, and living out what He instructs you to do in His love letter to you The Bible.

That sounds daunting!

  1. Okay, begin by Reading through the Bible in one year. This type of program will start you off reading scripture.  Once you read it, pray that God will show you how to apply that passage in your life today.
  2. Begin attending a Bible Believing church each week. Visit several and ask God to guide you to the one, from which you will benefit most.
  3. Once you have a church, look for their new member or introduction classes and sign up. You will meet some great Christians who will help you begin your journey and understanding of who God is and how much He loves you, and wants the best for your life.
  4. Surround yourself with fellow new believers who are on the same journey you are on to know who God is.
  5. Attend those special services your church offers to get to know other Christians and join in “Fellowship” – God meant for us to be in relationship [Fellowship] with Him and others in the body of Christ.
  6. As your faith deepens and grows so will your spiritual walk with our Father in Heaven.
  7. You will never want to go back to the dark life you once lived, once you experience Christ in your life and all the light and love which is present in His presence.

Do you feel a nudge or a feeling you have not experienced before while you were reading this blog post?  If so, then God is asking you to experience Him.  If so, then God is drawing you near.  All you have to do is accept His invitation.


Send me an email at the address below, and I will help you to begin your journey.
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746


