Life – Expectations – Reality

Welcome to a whole new year of decision making!!!  Are you excited?

I am.  This year will prove to be my most successful and fulfilling and you should expect nothing less from your 2025 year too!!

What is it about 2025 that excites you most?

I am excited because I have some exciting opportunities before me and so much learning and growing in front of me this year.

What are you doing to GROW in 2025?

What are you going to read?

What events are looming out there in the months yet to come?

What new adventures await you in the next 12 months?

Our lives are filled with opportunities and expectations about what those opportunities represent in our lives.  This is true for your professional life and your personal life.

You know most of us have trouble putting up and honoring the “Boundaries” we set for ourselves.  Others are just as guilty as we are at violating our boundaries and that is because we let them persuade us to do their bidding.

So, get tough and say no to the “what seems to be great” in favor of what you can experience that is BETTER!!

Let’s talk about “Expectations” for a moment here.  How often do your high expectations send you crashing down after the event?  My guess is quite often, right?  Why do you think that?

When I talk to my clients about expectations, it is a tough conversation.  What is the outcome you wish to have optimally?  That’s a valid question.  But then what happens when optimal does not materialize?  That’s when a mentor or coach can help you “process” the entire event.

Process begins with the moment you decide to engage in the conversation, proposal, event or whatever it is that you have placed up there on such a high pedestal.  Late in 2024, I found myself disappointed over and over again at things not meeting my own expectations.  Pretty dumb huh?  And I coach this stuff to others, SO…..I did my own reflection on my expectations about every thing in my life personally and professionally.  That was eye opening!

Almost at the same time, it seems the universe syncs up and I start hearing and seeing things about this very topic.  Don’t you love it when this happens.  It’s like the universe is saying: “Hey, down there, you, YES YOU, Janice, open your eye and pay attention!”

Here are several truths about life that want you to think about, ponder and embrace if you feel led to change what you expect from others in the workplace or in your personal life.

As you are pondering, I have a few suggestions:

  1. Do not spread your ideas or grandiose plans to everyone.
  2. Revisit and guard your personal values in every conversation and situation.
  3. Keep family dynamics, issues and other problems and challenges to yourself, do let others know what’s going on there.
  4. Maintain your boundaries with your family and in the workplace. Privacy is a paramount issue!
  5. Keep your finances secret and do not publicize a win or a huge loss.
  6. Ramp up your spiritual practices.
  7. Keep a close eye on your privacy and use discretion in all things.

Now, why are these things important in your life today? Let’s explore that now:

  1. Your thoughts, ideas and plans are yours alone. When you broadcast them to the world via tech, you open yourself up to all sorts of bigger problems. Others will prey on you and discourage you out of envy, anger, disrupt your plans on purpose, and the most important thing is this, the “way forward” to accomplishing your goals is not always straight nor are the paths smooth and you need to navigate those without interference from others.
  2. When you look to others to help you when those inevitable bumps in the road happen you open yourself up to ridicule, disappointment, and others trying to solve your own issues when these are none of their business. Your pain will be amplified with the opinions from others.  There is a big difference between appearance and authenticity.  You also do not want to put your weaknesses on display for others to prey upon.
  3. Family dynamics are private and should never be aired out in public. No one needs to be in your family dynamics.  Family relationships and TRUST are fragile and easily broken when spread around to others.  No one is above gossiping about what is going on in your family.  This betrayal of trust erodes all relationships. One big issue with this gossip is that YOU lose your narrative of what is going on and those that gossip behind your back will change the narrative to their own bent.
  4. Maintaining boundaries in all areas of your life will alleviate most of your problems, challenges, successes and failure. No one live or works in a perfect life.   Your journey is your own and no one else’s.  When you keep your boundaries there is a greater chance of success in problem solving, creating clarity, and creating solutions within the confines of your boundaries.   When you violate your boundaries, you create a derailing of your narrative by the others in the conversation overwriting their own journey and issues, and solutions.  This will not help you.  Their journey and their perspective is theirs alone not yours.
  5. Finances are one of the easiest ways to lose everything because it is a weakness where scammers, and other predators as destroy your life and all that you hold dear. Envy will rear its ugly head.  People will try to bring you down to their level and gravel in their pain of lack of finances and seek your good will and take advantage of it. This is not to say you shouldn’t be helpful financially with others, it is that others do not need to know your financial situation in life.
  6. I am a Christian and I am telling you, you need to strengthen your spiritual practices. Even if you are not a believer as I am, you need to strengthen your belief practices.  All religions believe there is an “evil” presence in life and roaming earth.  You can protect yourself by staying engaged in your faith, whatever it is.  Otherwise, the evil on seeks to find your greatest weakness and destroy you right there.
  7. Privacy and Discretion are two words that have been trampled in the social media world. What does it benefit you to tell everyone on earth all of your private matters?  Who cares what you think about politics?  Who cares about what you had for breakfast and how it makes you feel? Who cares what you are going to do this weekend?  You may not realize this but when you publish your whole life history and plans you invite evil and disaster to come into your life and prey upon you.  People do not understand your context.  They will be envious of your resources ability to do the things they cannot do.  Resentment builds. They try to exploit your material resources.  It is important to limit your exposure to the world at large.  You need to look no further than the examples of pro athlete’s having their homes broken into because of ease of access to their lives.

What have you learned in this blog post?

How will you change what you are doing today in 2025?

If you need help navigating the information above, please reach out and let’s have a heart to heart conversation on putting you on the right track in 2025!


If you are looking for a mentor or coach to help you with your microphone, send me an email, and we can discuss the effective use of that microphone in your hands!
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746

