Your Professional Growth & Your Spiritual Cornerstone

What does my professional growth have to do with my spiritual cornerstone? 

There is a point that we each reach where we must take a stand for something in the workplace.  We are able to take these stand position due to a strong Spiritual Cornerstone. 

There is not much of a conflict between what one learns in the area of professional growth and your spiritual cornerstone unless it is demanded of you on your day of worship, whatever day that may be.  Then you will need others options from distance learning, e-learning, recordings and so on in order to  fulfill your professional growth and development in your career. 

Another way in which we have to make some decisions in this area are how often and does this frequency eat away at my personal family time, my personal down time, my time for personal restoration and how does this affect my performance in my job.

If you are the person who plan these events, then take into consideration your employees that will be attending.  If you can start them after worship services or give them the option to opt out for religious reasons, then do so.  Making it possible for your staff to attend and grow is highly appreciated especially if other considerations have been taken into affect.

What does your professional growth look like today in the reflection of your spiritual cornerstone?

What can you do professionally to make it stronger? 

What are you modeling at work to your peers with your own spiritual cornerstone?

