Last time we talked about your environment and how you leave it when you go to work in the morning. Let’s continue with come of the additional items which can take place and be put into your routine at home to make your personal environment happy and stress free.
OK, so we have things cleaned up in the kitchen and now we are going to the routine after dinner is finished up.
8. Before bed; everything that needs to leave with each person is lined up by the door that you leave from. The simplest way is from oldest to youngest. (Dad, Mom, oldest child, middle child, youngest child; or whatever your family looks like)
9. Tonight after dinner is finished, dishes completed and the lunches are made; try a specific homework time (even youngsters who are not in school can do something with the family in one room, look at picture books, color, put a puzzle together, read with an adult, even the adults should be doing something that does not involve the computer, phone or television or other interactive electronic device. Let you children see you paying bills, writing a birthday card, reading a book or newspaper. This one act of having q-u-i-e-t in order to get homework and other paper type work done or reading will dramatically change the “tension” in your home.
10. Bedtime routine is huge in life. It is needed by children, teens and adults. I am a firm believer in this. When it is bedtime for little ones (very young children) set the routine and keep it. Clothes in hampers, they sort (yes, they can do this even at age 2!), lay out clothes for tomorrow, choose hair accessories and such before bath time, bath time is the same thing, use items which calm and soothe the senses. Use nice large soft towels and lots of love. Next do the brushing of teeth and hair combing and straightening up of the bathroom, now let them choose a story book and cuddle and read to them in bed. Then good night. For slightly older children, they can do most of this themselves, for younger girls with long hair, mom or dad brushing it out is a perfect calming technique and a special time for talking over the day. Again, no child is too big to be read to, or perhaps they read to you and you give them a “light’s out” time, lots of hugs and kisses and compliments about what they did right today and then good night. Teens are in desperate need of routine and rest. After their homework is complete which may be much later than the other children, it is still important to have routine. It is a perfect time if you have a daughter to teach her about skin care and such. Make a fuss, get her the items that she will use to keep herself feeling pretty and clean. Hair combing is still important. They may push back at first, but, I urge you to continue. They really do like the attention. For young men, the same is true, products that they will use and Dad becomes huge here in the positive feedback he gives this young boy. Reading again is very important. If you are religious this is a perfect time to do Parent-Child religious study or reading together, maybe it is poetry or other beloved novel or something along those lines. Lots of kisses and hugs and compliments about what they did right today and then, lights out.
11. Your own bedtime routine is the key to your getting restorative rest. It does not include a shower with the TV on, Love Making with the TV on, or watching the 11 pm news. No checking your emails and turn off the ring-tone on your phone and put it away from your bedroom to recharge at night. No one on earth is needed 24-7-365. You have a right to have a good night’s sleep and to wake up refreshed for your day tomorrow.
This is but one scenario that can work for your family. There are millions of avenues to getting things done that do not involve “The Lone Ranger Mom”. This is 100% your choice to ask for help and to expect your family to help out. After all this is their environment too.