Where Is Your Ladder?

Janice Bastani

Did you know that in almost every survey conducted, “Honesty” was the highest word selected by those surveyed as the #1 characteristic of a leader?  We all have known of, or read a story about an enterprising individual who quits their job and opens a business, only to see it go under.  The same person will try again and again.  Let’s give them an “A” for tenacity, but an “F” for failing to put their ladder against the right structure.  In order to be a success, you must think like a successful person.  Successful people are very “intentional” about everything they do.  These people base their thinking and decision making around “principles” which build “character.” 

Why is “character” so important to a successful person?  As a leader in business and in life, no one wants to work or follow someone who is “unreliable.”  Many in business and in life focus solely on capacity and competencies and forget that these are not achievable unless a solid foundation of “character” is in place.  A famous retired army general is quoted as saying this:  “Ninety-nine percent of leadership failures are failures of character” ~ General Norman Schwarzkopf. Our character growth determines the height of our personal growth.

Intentional Growth is a great ladder to have in life, and it has many rungs on it. 

Here are some of the rungs on your ladder you might think about getting intentional about:


  1. Focus on being better on the inside before you work on the outside. If you work on the inside first, it will be reflected on the outside.
  2. Follow the “Golden Rule” – Other people matter in life.
  3. Teach, train, and speak only what you believe; otherwise, it is just a story woven to hide the truth. If you borrow beliefs, you have no passion, and that results in no power.
  4. Value humility. It is important to remember to have perspective in everything.
  5. Recognize that no one is perfect and we all have weaknesses. There will always be someone in front of you and someone behind you in life
  6. Be teachable. None of us knows everything about everything. 
  7. In whatever you are doing, finish it well. Follow-through, faithfulness, completing what you start matters immensely.

Remember the stronger your character, the greater your growth potential.

Let’s talk about how you would apply what you have just read. 

Step 1 – Assess where you put most of your focus up to today.

Step 2 – Begin to put aside time to serve others in some way.

Step 3 – Recognize your habits are the battleground of character.

“Character cannot be summoned at the moment of crisis if it has been squandered by years of compromise and rationalization.”

~ U. S. Senator Dan Coats               




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In October 2017 we will discuss:

“Be The Rubber Band”



