What’s Holding You Back As A Leader?

What’s holding you back as a leader?  Now that’s an interesting question to ponder if you are a leader of a team, an organization, a church, a small group, or small business.  What if you lead a big team, big organization, a big church. a large group, or a large business in your local community or a global enterprise?  The question doesn’t change just because the size of the team changes.  A quality, a characteristic, the things that make a good leader great are all the same.

Is you organization growing, thriving and moving forward; or does it seem to be STUCK, not growing, and stagnate?  What if YOU are the LID holding down your entire organization?  When a leader stops growing so does the organization.  Did you know that? When you stop growing so does your team, your organization and your business.  Just as the business needs a “Growth & Vision Plan”, so does the LEADER and each team member.  GROWTH isn’t automatic. 

“Growth must be intentional,” according to John C. Maxwell the #1 best selling author in the world on LEADERSHIP.

How Do I GROW As A Leader?

  • Decide to GROW intentionally.
  • Put a GROWTH plan in place.
  • Create a GROWTH environment
  • Be in a room where you aren’t the smartest person in the room

ATTEND L2 LEARN LEAD Live Simulcast, Friday, October 10, 2014!L2_top

What Is L2?

Janice Bastani Coaching will be one of only 300 sites globally to host the live simulcast of this event L2 Learn – Lead, featuring Dr. John Maxwell, Linda Kaplan Thaler, and Tim Sanders.  Leaders are always looking for opportunities to learn, but every leader has little time to spare. L2 Learn – Lead is the new simulcast event designed to breathe new life into leadership through world-class speakers – in a convenient, half-day format.

 Why Attend?


L2 Learn – Lead is designed to deliver the very best in leadership content to inspire and motivate everyone who attends.


L2 brings the conference experience to you  – in a convenient half-day format, making it the affordable solution to the challenge of minimizing time and travel costs.


Grow your own leadership as you connect with other influences in your local community. Expand your network with relationships that produce tangible results.

The Speakers

John Maxwell    Dr. John Maxwell is an internationally renowned leadership expert, coach and author with more than 22 million books sold , Dr. Maxwell founded The John Maxwell Company and EQUIP, organizations that have trained more than 5 million leaders in 185 countries. Every year he speaks to Fortune 500 and 100 companies, international government leaders, and organizations such as the United Sates Military Academy at West Point, the NFL, and the United Nations. John Maxwell travels the world teaching his unique and inspirational live-it-out approach to leadership. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week best selling author, Maxwell’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership has sold more than 2 million copies. Developing the Leader Within You and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader have each sold more than 1 million copies.

John has mastered the art of asking questions and will share why they are so important for successful leaders, what questions we should be asking ourselves and what questions we should be asking our teams  



   Linda Kaplan Thaler is responsible for some of America’s most famous, relevant and touching advertising campaigns in the industry. She serves as The Charmian of Pulicis Kaplan Thaler, a fully-integrated advertising agency with digital social and technology at its core. The agency is the US flagship within the Publicis Worldwide Network servicing a blue-chip client roster that includes P&G , CITI, Nestle, L’Oreal, Merck, Pfizer, and Wendy’s, among many others. Linda was previously CEO and Chief Creative Officer of Kaplan Thaler Group, which she founded in 1997 and grew from a fledgling start-up to a company with over a billion dollars in billings. She is the coauthor of The Power of Small: Why Little Things Make All the Difference, which debuted as an instant national bestseller, and The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness, which debuted on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists.

Linda will share inspiring stories and offer practical tips to harness and put your own GRIT – Guts, Resilience, Industriousness and Tenacity, to work for you. 




 Tim Sanders is an internet pioneer and best-selling author. He advises Fortune 500 executives on leadership, marketing and new media strategies to grow their business. This former Yahoo executive is now an indispensable consultant to some of the biggest brands in the world. Tim has launched companies, built brands and now runs a media services company specializing in business trends, new media and human behavior. His first book Love is the Killer App was a New York Times and international best seller, translated into a dozen languages. His follow up, The Likeability Factor, focused on the concept of emotional talent and how it can impact our lives. His latest book Today We Are Rich shows teams how to instill a solutions-oriented, promise-keeping culture of highly confident and innovative people.

You will learn from Tim three key areas for becoming a people centric leader – confidence, leading people and customer experience. 





  Where Is The Event?

This live  L2 Learn Lead simulcast half-day event will be held in the San Ramon Conference Center on Crow Canyon Road.


When Will This Event Take Place?

This L2 Learn – Lead simulcast will take place FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2014

Doors open at 7 am with a Registration and  Continental Breakfast

The L2 Learn – Lead simulcast begin at 8 am sharp until Noon.


What dose A Ticket Cost?

Early bird ticketing  to L2 Learn – Lead is $99** per ticket before September 1st

(**Ticket price includes: admission to the live simulcast event, program materials, continental breakfast,  and mid-morning break.  Added benefits to you ticket are priceless:  opportunity to network with other leaders in your local community, gain valuable leadership content from leading experts in the field, grow your own leadership skill-set, and connect with other influencers.)

Early bird VIP ticketing to L2 Learn – Lead is $119 per ticket before September 1st. 

VIP ticketing includes:

  • Admission to the live simulcast with preferred front row seating,
  • A copy of John’s new book: Good Leaders Ask Great Questions_10298992_10154248902835157_6412899577772390516_nGood Leaders Ask Great Questions
  • All Program materials
  • Continental breakfast
  • Mid-morning break
  • Opportunity to network with other leaders in your local community
  • Gain valuable leadership content from leading experts in the field
  • Grow your own leadership skill-set
  • Connect with other influencers.

After September 1st tickets will be $119 per ticket. **

(**Ticket price includes: admission to the live simulcast event, program materials, continental breakfast,  and mid-morning break.  Added benefits to you ticket are priceless:  opportunity to network with other leaders in your local community, gain valuable leadership content from leading experts in the field, grow your own leadership skill-set, and connect with other influencers.)

After September 1st VIP tickets will be $129 per ticket depending on availability.

VIP ticketing includes:

  • Admission to the live simulcast with preferred front row seating,
  • A copy of John’s new book: Good Leaders Ask Great Questions
  • All Program materials
  • Continental breakfast
  • Mid-morning break
  • Opportunity to network with other leaders in your local community
  • Gain valuable leadership content from leading experts in the field
  • Grow your own leadership skill-set
  • Connect with other influencers.

Seating is limited so buy your tickets early! This event will sell out fast!

Where Do I Purchase Tickets?

Click the buy button here to be directed to purchase your ticket now!

Go to: www.janicebastanicoaching.com/L2

Janice001Janice Bastani, is the owner of Janice Bastani Coaching, a certified John Maxwell Coach and will be your host for this live simulcast event: L2 Learn – Lead, on Friday, October 10, 2014 from 8 am until Noon.  Doors open at 7:00 am for registration and continental breakfast. The live simulcast will begin at 8 am and conclude at Noon.  Janice is a founding member of the John Maxwell Team, where you and your organization can develop your leadership skills and take you level of leadership to a whole new level.  As a John Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker, Janice has been trained to coach, train and speak on a wide variety of Leadership topics. 

  • For her specific programs please visit:  www.johnmaxwellgroup.com/janicebastani, or www.janicebastanicoaching.com.                   

                                                  “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership!”

                                                         How are you “LEADING” today?







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