Last time I asked you to think about something. What has come up for you since I asked?
What has unlocked you so far today?
It is my experience that deep longing and need are storage places where unlocking has not taken place and so that anticipation and expectation grows and grows. Sometimes this happens for days, weeks and even years. I know you have felt this before in some area of your life. Once we pass this point we begin to question our worth. Here are some things you have rattling around in your head:
“…..if I was good….at…..then someone would have already……..”
“…..when I become…….then I will be noticed…….”
“…….I need to just be… order for…….to see………….”
“……there will come a day when………….”
“……….when this happens…….then I will…………”
Waiting is one of the most hard things to do in life and while waiting what we as women and men do is to chip away at whatever faith we have in ourselves and our abilities. We immediately go to cutting down the very person and the qualities which make us strong, attractive, wonderful and all of the characteristics which are waiting there deep inside as a true “treasure”. Yes, you are a treasure.
Just because “someone” or “something” hasn’t noticed or happened does not “devalue” you one cent! You have not changed!
When we lock our heart down and we make the decision that we are somehow “less”, that is when our view about ourselves changes not one moment before.
Sit with those thoughts and realities and we will speak again on this topic.