What Makes A Leader Great?
“Great leaders know that success is found managing their daily routine”
Great leaders add value to others.
Great leaders are always out of their comfort zone.
People follow great leaders because of who they are and what they represent.
People follow what great leaders have done for them.
Great leaders choose to display the right attitude daily.
Great leaders choose to keep commitment every day.
A great leader is one who know the way, goes the way first, and shows the way.
A great leader knows that dreams don’t work unless you do.
Are you ready to LEAD today? What would it mean to you to LEARN how to LEAD yourself, your team, and those you love in business and life? You have an opportunity to do just that on October 10, 2014 in San Ramon, California. If you are serious about stepping it up, and learning to lead, this is your opportunity to learn from the best in the world hands down. For more information go to:
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