Valentine’s Day 2013

Valentine’s Day

Today, many hearts will be filled and others left empty.  Valentine’s Day is one of those days when the pressure is on and “Expectations” are very high for all involved.   The child at school who is giving and receiving valentines has an expectation of what he/she wants to happen and so does the sweetheart of someone who also has high expectations.

Dr. Gary Chapman, who was recently featured on the OWN network discussed his best selling book:  The 5 Love LanguagesThis book is one of my favorite give aways because it goes right to heart of the issues of unmet expectations in the world of relationships and love.  Let’s face it, we all want to be desired, loved, wanted, fulfilled and completed.  How we get to that place is another issue.

Today, if your gift of love is not what you expected; I encourage you to accept it with grace and to look a little deeper into the person giving it to you.  Most of us give gifts which represent our own love language.  Think about the last time you purchased a special gift for someone; what criteria did you use?  Did you buy what you  liked or what you knew they would love?

According to Chapman there are FIVE love languages:  Touch, Time, Affirmation, Gifts and Acts of Service.  These are pretty straight forward.  Which of the five, (as you read them), did you resonate with?  Now think about your sweetheart; what is their love language?  Before Valentine’s day is over, see if you can give your love in their love language and be amazed at the results.  Each of your children, friends, peers, and professional colleagues all have a love language and when you interact with them in the way that speaks to them your relationship with them will completely change. 

What’s your love language?



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