Today is Mother’s Day.
Did you know that the United States Post Office delivers more Mother’s Days cards than any other day of the year?
That must mean something!
Today, I am asking you to put aside any malice, hurt, or other negative feelings that you have about any of the “Mothers” you may have had in your life and just give her the gift of “thank you” or “I’m thinking of you today” that she deserves. No mom is 100% perfect. Believe me she knows.
She was there and she knows you did not come with an instruction manual when you were placed in her arms for the first time.
As mothers, we have all made great decisions, poor decisions, decisions that we regret, decisions that we are very proud of and those which we just said: “…I am just so tired of being the one who is responsible…..I just need a brief break from all of this……….”.
I am remember a wonderful book from my own childrens’ youth. I don’t remember the name, but on the cover was a mother bear in bathtub full of bubbles and she was just trying trying to get some time to herself. I can remember reading that book and thinking I can’t even take a bath or shower without someone else present.
All to soon those days are long gone.
So, pick up the phone and call your mom and say something nice. Remember a time when she was the mom you always wanted her to be and be gentle with her.
If you are a mom yourself today, create a memory for those in your own household to look back on and to cherish.
I remember one mother’s day, one of my children gave me a box with a bow on it and it had a little poem that when like this:
Inside this little box
I placed a gift so nice
I’ve tucked something inside from me just for you
So you’ll always have what’s in it
Long after I’ve grown up and left home
Even though this box I give
Holds nothing you can touch
I’ve placed inside it all my love
Because I love you so much!
I still have that little box and that little girl is now grown and gone, and that little box still brings a warm tingly feeling all over me and I can still see her handing it to me so very proud so many years ago.
There is a commandment in the Bible which says: “Honor Your Father and Mother”
I encourage you to not let another year go by in May 2010 for Mother’s Day and June 2010 for Father’s Day that you do not “Honor your Father and your Mother”.