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Thank You for attending LIVE2LEAD 2015!


On Friday, October 9th,  50 very wise individuals Intentionally boosted their professional and personal lives by attending LIVE2LEAD!

Being “INTENTIONAL” is something we all must decide to do, we must set aside time in order to accomplish those things which are important to us in our lives. Congratulations to those who were in the room INTENTIONALLY on Friday, you were not disappointed!!

What People Are Saying_ testimonials

The feedback was wonderful

“This was great!”

“WOW, I am telling everyone I know about this event!  Next year I am registering early!!”

“I must go back to my office and tell those I work with, that they must attend this event next year!”

“You did  a great job on this event Janice!  You set the bar high!”

“I loved the speakers and can’t wait to begin my 30-Day Journey!”

“You said I would not be disappointed and you were right ~ What a fabulous morning, THANK YOU!”

“Do you know that “X” is still talking about the event on Friday?  It made quite an impression!”

“Hi, what is this event you are having in here today?  I actually took notes as I was servicing your break items!  Who is John Maxwell?  I loved what he had to say! [I love this comment, because it came from one of the venue service workers whom I saw standing in the doorway listening in!  She was loving the event and was just doing her job and being blessed by the content.]

You can still get in on the action you know!  If you are interested in being a part of the 30-Day Journey to living a life of INTENTION, you can still do that, by using this link:



Also, if you are interested in joining us for the Intentional Living MasterMind you may also still register by sending an email to me at: and we will see that you get everything you need in order to join us in November!


Thank you once again for joining us for the 2015 event LIVE2LEAD! I would love to hear what you learn from your own 30-Day Journey! 



