Yesterday, I asked you what would you do to answer the bigger questions about owning your future. What did you come up with?
Take a pad of paper and a pen with you to do this exercise. (I suggest a fresh new sprial bound notebook so nothing flies away and a new pen)
Your plan is OWN YOUR FUTURE. In order to do this one thing you must have an idea of what you want your future to look like. These decisions or answers require you to write down your own "Bigger Questions".
Here’s an idea that has worked for me many, many, many times.
I have lived all over the world, and visited and vacationed on many contenents and had the great fortune and opportunity to do what I am suggesting. What has happened is that; I have been inspired, had great ideas, seen and felt deeply and solved and worked out my own issues and future. Perhaps you might want to take an idea and run with it or perhaps one of these will spark an idea of your own.
Here are some suggestions for answering those "Bigger Questions"
You may want to take a drive into the country, mountains, city or to the beach.
This being disconnected from the business of your life frees the mind.
Just begin to think and write down the answers to these "Bigger Questions".
Only you know what the longings of your heart are.
So those "Bigger Questions" can only come out of you.
How was that?
Part # 3 tomorrow……..