Stature: a quality of status gained by growth, development, or achievement in business or in life. Do you have Stature in your personal life? Do you have Stature in your professional life? How do you measure STATURE?
These three questions have significant importance in our lives today. Globally we see little STATURE in those who lead us, those who serve us, those with whom we work, and this has also infiltrated into our private lives and relationships.
I have a several questions below for you to read, and if you would, please just give the first answer that comes into your mind. There are no right or wrong answers. The answers reveal how you truly see, act, and feel about who you are.
- I act and speak off the cuff, and sometimes I let my immediate emotional response pour out of my mouth.
- I am swayed by the winds of global culture.
- I routinely believe what I see and hear.
- I engage in manipulation so I can get the result I am seeking.
- Sometimes I tell partial truths covered with inuendo and opinion.
- My body language is masked from my true purpose.
- I believe my opinion is valuable all the time in any discussion.
- I interrupt people often to get my idea, or my point across.
How many of the 8 statements are true for you? ___________
Be honest here. Only you are reading this anyway. If any one of these is true in your professional life, then it is true in your private life too. If either one of these is true in your private life, then it is most certainly true in your professional life. You see, we cannot live two different ways and keep things straight.
This type of life is exhausting. This type of thinking is called: “double mindedness.” Double mindedness is not sustainable. This type of thinking will spiral you down emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
This will be hard to read, you have decided to take a short-cut in life and business. This short-cut leads down a dark path of destruction, self-doubt, and ruin in every area of your life. Futility will show up in the most unexpected places. Challenges will creep up and roadblocks will seem to be around every corner, and you keep having to come up with a new [fill in the blank from one of the 8 listed statements at the beginning of this post.] Your decisions will be harder to distinguish between right and wrong.
A downward spiral will ensue. You will find yourself greedy, deceitful, corrupt, and lusting after things you must have NOW.
Who are you doing this for?
Why are you on this path?
What is your inner manifestation?
Is your intention to WIN? – I must win every single time.
Is your intention to have more MONEY? – How much money is enough?
Is your intention to have more POWER? How much power is enough?
Is your intention to gain more PRESTIGUE? When will you have enough?
Is your intention to have a higher POSITION? Are you equipped to handle that position?
Where does your inner motivation come from?
Whose inner nature [Stature] are you reflecting on your current behavior?
What’s driving you?
Where is there sadness in your life?
What do you think this sadness represents?
Where does disappointment lie?
These are all deep thinking and reflective questions, and some may have rattled you to your very core. That’s a good thing, by the way. It shows that there is still hope for you to change.
Let us start by taking your “STATURE TEMPERATURE.”
- How’s your behavior at home? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at home] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How’s your behavior at work? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at work] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How often do you tarnish another person at home with harsh words or actions? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at home] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How often do you tarnish another person at work with harsh words or actions? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at work] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How often do you cause another person at home to be sad? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at home] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How often do you cause another person at work to be sad? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at work] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- Where have you produced a good/happy outcome at home? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at home] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- Where have you produced a good/happy outcome at work? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at work] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How often do you lift up a person and support them at home? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at home] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- How often do you lift up a person and support them at work? Rate yourself from a 0 [zero investment at home] all the way up to 10 [actively involved, present and available.]
- Write in the name of a person at home that you need to ask forgiveness from for your actions, behavior or harsh words.
- Write the name of a person at work that you need to ask forgiveness from for your actions, behavior or harsh words.
You see clearly that your actions have consequences. Many a person’s private and professional lives have been a daily struggle in their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual areas due to the seeds sown of discontent and unforgiveness.
Harbored unforgiveness grows into cynicism, negativity, deep despair and is accompanied by pain. The pain of hurt is unavoidable in life. You can deal with it, however.
You may ask: “HOW? My pain is so deep, and I cannot forgive “X” for “X”!”
Remember our discussion earlier about decision making? Unforgiveness is a CHOICE you make. The above quote is a devastatingly bad choice. It kills all relationships in one’s personal and professional life.
Which of these examples comes from a position of strength in the 12 questions above? What would happen if you forgave and turned those 12 questions into 12 positive statements with an action item you could do right now?
STATURE is something a person earns and lives out every day of their life.
Once STATURE is lost, it is almost impossible to regain.
Are you struggling with any of this content in this blog in your personal or your professional life?
Want some help in turning your STATURE around?
Simply email me at the email below and write STATURE in the subject header.
We can get started immediately and put you on the path to wholeness.
Subject: STATURE
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746