Righting Past Wrongs

I have a challenge for you.  Are you willing to set yourself up for success?

Come on this is a blog.  You can do this!

I want you to think back to last week.  Got it?

OK,  who did you lie to about something?  Think of one lie and the person that you told it to in your personal life and one lie and one person that you told that lie to in your professional life.  Got it?

Write down the person’s name and the lie you told them and their phone number  on a piece of paper (in your personal life).  Leave some space.  Now write down the person’s name and the lie you told them and their phone number on the bottom half of that same piece of paper (in your professional life). Done?

Look at the first line with the personal area of your life and the person’s name, number and the lie written there.  What did you gain by being dishonest with that person?  Write it below the other information.

Now do the same for the person in your professional life.  What did you gain by being dishonest with that person?  Write it down under their information.

Now, answer this and write it under each of those two names:  What did that person gain from your lie?  Go ahead write what they gained by hearing your lie.

What did you lose?  Write it down by beginning:   I lost…….

What did they lose?  Write it down right under yours:  (their name) lost…….

Now read through that moment in time last week, for the person in your private life that you lied to.  How does that make you feel?

Now read through that moment in time last week , for the person in your professional life that you lied to.  How does that make you feel?

Did your lie and subsequent actions raise your energy level and your stature, make you feel better, happy, energetic, or feel lighter?


Did your lie and subsequent actions lower your energy level and your stature, make you feel poorly about yourself and what you did to that person, make you feel heavy and confused at  another lie that you will have to remember in the web of other lies that you have woven?

How would you heal these two relationships?  You see all we have is our word and our relationships with others in our private lives and in our professional lives.  Restore this broken relationship and trust.  Yes, there will be pain.  You chose the pain the moment you decided to be dishonest.  That’s part of the consequence of lying. 

I would love to know what happens when you decide to restore that broken relationship of trust.  Let me know.

