Today, I’d like you to stop and think about your life and how virtually everything you do day in and day out involves a “Relationship”, even if you are alone you are in relationship with yourself. This life area is one that we cannot shake or ignore even if we try, because it is like breathing we are fully committed whether we chose to be or not. For instance, I am a deep thinker, life long learner, writer and reader; all of these involve a big crowd of people: me, myself and I and sometimes the three of us get into an argument over what comes next. Of course I’m joking, but it is never just me by myself.
How long is the longest time you have been alone with no other interaction with another human being? No text, no email, no messaging, no phone, no visitors – no one? I am guessing never. We are meant to be relational. This is our natural tendency in life. Problems are solved when there is input from others through combined knowledge and experience. New ideas are born in a group where no idea is wrong. Leaders step forward from a group. When a group is trying to do something and they need a spokesperson, everyone usually turns to the natural speaker and that person steps forth. In your own group of friends, isn’t there one person who is just always on, full of ideas of where to go and what would be fun to do? If you are female, isn’t there a woman in your circle of friends who is just plugged in to everything trendy, what’s on sale, and all the latest gossip?
We thrive on knowing and interacting with other people.
If you are a mom and you have children, you know the value of a play group, and how meeting up with other moms at the park and sharing your parenting struggles can boost your mood and you stop talking like a four year old and rise up to adult conversation. If you are trying to get in shape it is always better to have a buddy to walk and talk with, this makes the time fly by.
Next time you are in a restaurant, take a moment and look at the layout of the tables. They are set up for relationship. Even at the bar, people are talking, leaning and standing together in relationship.
So how are your relationships today?
What do you believe about your relationships?
Which relationships are no longer bringing you joy?
How can you end a relationship and not hurt but rather honor the person (s) you are releasing into the world to find their own new relationships?
The very best of relationships is where each person in the relationship wants the highest, the best for the other and for the other to be lifted up and succeed; who is that for you?
Who would call you this person?