Let’s face it, we are relational beings. It doesn’t matter if you are male or if you are female. Here are the facts about our relational cornerstone:
Fact #1: Life and Work are all about how we relate to people, places, events, and things. This is the way we are wired.
Fact #2: Relational life whether at work or personal involves “emotions.” This involvement can make life exhausting.
Fact #3: Without these relationships we are a people who survive instead of thrive.
Fact #4: Relationships take “time”, they cannot be maneuvered and calculated; eventually they fall apart when this happens.
Fact #5: When we wear a “mask” we do ourselves and those around us a disservice in the relationship.
Fact #6: Learning what “congruent” means in a relationship is one of the keys to making it work.
Fact #7: It takes two people to make a relationship fail. The one who dominates the relationship and the one who allows the domination.
Fact #8: True relationships grow and deepen over time and the bond in those relationships is strongest
Fact #9: You are only as strong as your weakest relationship.
Fact #10: What your relationships look like are an outward expression of how you feel about yourself inside.
On a scale of 1 to 10 where are your professional relationships in this cornerstone?
On a scale of 1 to 10 where are your social relationships in the cornerstone?
On a scale of 1 to 10 where are your private/intimate relationships in this cornerstone?
If you are normal one or more of these may be out of whack and in need of some work. That is what we will discuss in the coming days while we explore the “Relational Corner Stone.”