
Many of you who have been clients, peers and friends know that each December I and my clients go through a purging of sort.  We go through our calendars and see just exactly brought value to our lives, what events lifted us up and those relationships that continued in a spirit of mutual support.  If the person, event or thing made our criteria list then we put it back into our calendar for the next year.  Sadly if the person, event or thing did not meet our standard, we simply drop it and do not waste our hard earned money and physical and mental energy on it.

 Yes, I know this sound super simple, but believe me it is not. Reflection is a powerful thing.

Exercise 1

What I would like you to do right now is to reflect on the topics listed below and simply put a mental “+” or “-“next to each one.

Reflect on your home

Reflect on your relationships

Reflect on your career

Reflect on your spiritual life

Reflect on your health

Reflect on your parenting

Reflect on your finances

Reflect on your fun

Reflect on your giving back/volunteering

Exercise 2

Here are some additional questions you might ponder and reflect on:

  1. How close did I come to accomplishing my professional goals this year?
  2. What stopped me for achieving all that I wanted to?
  3. How satisfied am I in the way in which I spent my 8,760 hours in 2018?
  4. How well did I keep my commitments this year?
  5. In 2018 I am most proud of…..
  6. Where did I really drop the ball in 2018?
  7. How much time did I really spend with my spouse in 2018?
  8. How much time did I really spend with my children in 2018?
  9. How much time did I spend with those whom I lead?
  10. What would I say if I were to rate my satisfaction with 2018?
  11. What makes this rating stand out?
  12. What was my biggest learning in 2018?
  13. What do I wish I had done differently in 2018?
  14. How likely am I not to repeat that same item in #13?
  15. If I were to choose a word that best described 2018, it would be_______________
  16. If I were to choose a word that I want to be my focus in 2019, it would be__________
  17. What new skills and competencies do I want to focus on in 2019?
  18. What relationships will I end in 2019?
  19. Who is someone I would like to have lunch with and to learn from?
  20. When will I set up that lunch date?

So what do you think about these two exercises so far?  It is to your benefit that you take a moment between Christmas and the New Year to sort things out and to make plans for the New Year.

Exercise 3

Here’s another great exercise:  Go to your closet, and if you haven’t worn an item in the past two season, put it in a large black leaf bag and donate it to someone who is in desperate need of it.  If you celebrate Christmas and you home is overrun by toys, then bag those your children do not play with or have outgrown and give them to deserving kids who have nothing to play with.  What about your other hiding placing in your home?  If you haven’t used it in years, then please donate it.  There is some out there who needs it and can’t afford to pay full price.

Exercise 4

Next exercise:  Do you know anyone who has lost their job this year?  Invite them to your party or give them a great gift card to a restaurant so they can take their whole family out.  Perhaps you can take them out to eat and give them some mentoring advice  Do you know a single mom or dad or grandparent who is struggling to provide for their loved ones…consider helping them out monetarily or by doing something chore wise that they are not capable of doing. 

You get the idea.  Think and reflect on the things you can do, the things you can stop doing, and the things that will make a difference in the lives of those around you here at the end of 2018.

Think about getting yourself a mentor to help you sort out your thinking, reflection and your priorities for 2019.

I want to personally thank all of you that read this blog every month.  If you like this blog share it with someone today!

See you in 2019!!

 2019 is going to be an exciting year of blogging!



If you are interested in being coached, mentored or your team being trained in Leadership Development by Janice in 2019 contact her immediately to secure your spot.

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