Reflecting on Family

Today let’s explore your family/parenting area of your life.

On January 1st, 2011 how would you say your family/parenting was working out?

You are not measuring yourself against anyone, it’s just you and where you see yourself.

We are in a no judgment zone here!

So, where are you now in December of 2011?

When you look at your calendar for the year what do you want to do more of with your family?

What do you want to stop doing?

Where are the gaps in your parenting?

How could looking at things from a different perspective change your thinking?

Who did you mentor this year who was new to this whole family/parenting side of life?

What would you like to do in 2012 in this area of your life?

Who is mentoring you through the rough patches?

When will you stop doing the things that do not add value to you and your family?

You know we naturally change our parenting skills and actions and reactions to those decisions we each make as parents as we raise each of our children.  That’s what experience teaches us.

There are days that seem to be just one long continuous day and then it is the weekend.   Those of us with grown children have lived this road you are on and one day it suddenly ends and you will be joyous, in tears and bewildered all at the same time.

Make small adjustments instead of huge right turns with your family whenever it is possible.  Life will transition smoother.

2012 is almost here, take time to reflect on 2011.

