Pink Slip Fortunes

I am just wondering how many of you see a golden opportunity inside the envelope with a pin slip inside of it?  Probably not many of us think this way.  However, I am here to tell you receiving a “pink slip” may just be your ticket out of the 9 to 5 world and into a world that fits more with your own inner needs while still earning a living.  I am talking about “Pink Slip Forturnes”!

Did you know that it is possible for you to never be unemployed again?  You may ask yourself, “…how is that possible?”  It must be some scheme where I put in money and then I get stuck with the goods or some pyramid thing or something like that?  No, it isn’t anything like those you described.

What would it be worth to you to go from a life of trembling hands clutching a pink slip and being gripped in fear to a place where you have total control over your finances, your future and your income? 

How would you feel if in just 6 weeks you went from financial meltdown and no job to financial freedom and total control over when you work, how you work, how much you work and it is your own business? 

Yes, there is a catch!  Here’s the catch:  You success depends on Y-O-U.  This is true of each and every business in the market place today.  Stop hoping and waiting for a stimulus  bailout from the U.S.Government.  You can begin to turn your life, finances and employment situation today.

Here’s how you can do this:  Do you see that box over on your right?  That’s the one.  Type in your name and email address and I will know that you want to get more information about a special teleclass I will be holding on how to have “Pink Slip Fortunes”.


5 Week Teleclass

1 Solution Every Week

1 Executive Summary on 1 Solution Each Week

1 Real Life Success Story

5 Solutions

1 Bonus Call for Q’nA

Cost:     $100.00

Class begins:  Monday, March 23rd @ Noon Eastern

Once I receive your information you will get an email from me about payment and call in details. 

Act Now.  The bridge line can only handle 200 participants.

More tomorrow!

Go and sign up now, right over there on the right.

