Making Bad Decisions

Making Bad Decisions

Does this photo look familiar?

Does this photo feel familiar?

Each one of us has been in a place where we realized that we either are about to make a bad decision or we have just made a bad decision and now what?

It’s funny how things just present themselves before us.  I have been thinking about these series of posts and articles around “Making Decisions”.  For one full week we here in the Northeast were having one day of extreme weather after the next and so I had no internet to post anything.  So I just decided to let go of posting and put my energies elsewhere.  That choice, that decision brought a wealth of other information and books and reading into my life which will make these posts even richer, because I let go of the “enslavement” of technology.

During this time of bliss….I was reading several things and “insight” overtook me around the idea of us “being enslaved” to things we hate or are trying to rid ourselves of.   This insight began about ME!  It made me ache inside, it made me tear up, and I felt ashamed.  I am just like you, you see.  Everything affects each one of us and no one is immune to these insights and realizations.

I was reading about how when we do things over and over again we are choosing to be “enslaved” by them!

We are choosing to be “enslaved” by them! That is huge!

“We are, You are, I am deciding to be a slave to the very thing we hate, we despise, are disgusted at and want to rid our lives of.”

Boy, I’m telling you, I had a huge mental push back:  I AM NOT A SLAVE TO ANYTHING!! I screamed in my head.

Oh yes you are!  You chose to be a slave.

If you and I continually choose the thing that keeps us fat, stuck, longing, frustrated, sad, lonely or whatever  or whoever that is – we are a slave to it!

What are you a slave to?

A crisis in life is never a reason to become enslaved or the make bad decisions!

Next time “How To Become Unenslaved through Good Decisions”



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