Life Moves

We are well into summer and millions of people are moving.  Statistics tell us  that one in five will move this year.  When you hear the word "MOVE" what happens in your body?

I was listening to a radio program about how often we Americans move and the problems it creates right along with the opportunities that are presented.  That started me thinking about my own "moving life".  So I to list all the moves in my life since birth.  I came up with 20 -TWENTY".  With that record you say: "…she must be a pro!…"; you’d be correct. 

But, what about the person who stays mentally behind?  The young child who doe not understand what is happening?  The high schooler who must reestablish his/her place all over again and make new friends?  Uprooting yourself, your spouse, your family, your friends and relatives is not an easy wall to scale.

As I was thinking about this line of thought "Moving from one place to another";; it occurred to me that we are all in a state of moving from one transition in life to another and that the key to both in this later topic.  Let’s look at it.

We transition from home to pre-school or perhaps daycare if you are really young.  Then from preschool to Kindergarten. Kindergarten through Elementary or Primary School to Middle School or Junior High School.  Then from Middle School into High School.  High School to College or out on your own.  If you are in College you transition and move back and forth from home to dorm 4 times! Then finally from College to a place of your own and into your own life.  How many moves is that?  NINE times! 

Granted each move does not involve total uprooting of your belongings, but it does uproot your emotions and your flexibility to adapt in a new environment.

When you overlay these 9 moves with divorce and new residences for each parent and the combination of all that emotional baggage you have a very real large piece of work on your plate.

How can a person begin to handle these changes, these moves, these transitions in life?  Follow along over the next several days and find out the top 10 things you can do to make the transition easier.

I will take a page from the U. S. Military  dependent handbook for our first answer.  When military dependents are moving overseas, they are given "cultural training" which translates to being taught about the country that you will be moving to.

1.  Research where it is that you are moving to.  Sounds simple and it is not as hard as you might think.  This is a great family activity and also a great activity for an older child.  By learning exactly where the state or town is from where you currently live puts it in perspective. 

Tomorrow #2.

Top 10 Keys To Life Moves:

1.  Reseach

