We are now at our third key to moving through transitions of all types in life, not only the ones which involve a change of address.
To recap what we have talked about so far we have:
1. Research your new location
2. Conveying our love for those in the transition or move
3. Answers
Things and people seem to come into our lives at just the right time. Nothing is an accident or so the saying goes. On one of our moves #18 to be exact, we were faced with the complicated move which involved a High School Senior, moving from coast to coast, Dad being gone to the new job 25 days a month, lots of pets including horses, building a new home, selling the present home, looking for a great college, plus just the logistics of moving a large household.
Enter a great little book entitled “Rapid Problem Solving with Post-It Notes”. Post-It notes were a staple at our home and I picked it up because I like the idea of problem solving and mind mapping using colorful paper which I can move around. As I read this book it suddenly occurred to me that with the use of 6 beautiful sliding glass doors which were divided up into panes, I had my built in family board room for solving the problems, and answering the questions which were looming like large storm clouds.
With some pre-meeting planning, we had a family meeting at our kitchen table surrounded by those beautiful sliding glass door. Each person was given their favorite color of Post-It note pad and a marker. The instructions were to write down every question, concern, fear, want or need that you may have that involves this change in our family, home, and your and our lives that you have. Each person was given a row of paned windows and as the items were written down they were posted on the glass. Tweens and teens, Mom’s and Dad’s have very different areas of concerns and wants and needs.
Once the process was completed, Dad praised everyone for being so forthright and honest about what they were worried about. Then the answers were given to the complete satisfaction of each member of the family. Again, the most important thing here is treating everyone’s concern with respect and honor no matter how trivial it might have appeared to the other members of the family. Love and caring were the foundations of this family meeting.
# 4 is coming soon!
10 Keys to Life Moves:
1. Research
2. Being Loved & Cherished
3. Post-It Note Strategy