Life Moves # 10

Here we are at # 10 in our series of tips and keys to Life Moves.  This key is one which is totally dependent on you and your inner self.

Key # 10 is “Settling In & Feeling At Home“.  This key will be different for each member of your family and for you also.  Some of us can put our finger on this feeling or thing and some of cannot.  Are we wonderfully made!?

In my home in order for my guest to feel at home, I provide a soft teddy bear on each guest bed-everyone.  You never know when you will need someone to tell your troubles to.  A nice fluffy terry robe and slippers are hung in the bathroom along with anything my guest might need from a toothbrush to an antacid.  A nice sparklling clean bedside pitcher of water with a nice bedtime book.  I usually provide several types:  a children’s bedtime book of stories, an inspirational book and a couple of magazines which I have read and want to pass on.

You remember those precious items you helped your family pack in key # 5?  This is the time to place them and to begin the settling in process.

Here are our top 10 keys to Life Moves:

1.  Research

2.  Being Love & Cherished

3.  Post-It Note Strategy

4.  Staying Focused on Normalcy

5.  Packing Beloved Essentials

6.  Plan to Say Goodbye

7.  Family Fun

8.  Plan On Saying Hello

9.  Maintain Normalcy

10. Settling In & Feeling At Home

