This past weekend millions of people on the east coast of the US experienced to varying degrees the fury of a Hurricane. Some saw their homes lifted up off of its foundation and swept away, others saw trees crash through their homes, while still others saw torrential downpours and high wind and are still in the dark without electricity. I am wondering, when was the last time you heeded a warning to “prepare”? When do you think you might prepare? What has to happen for you to leave the idolatry of self ignorance that has a mindset of “….I know what is best for me and I will do what I want to do when I feel like doing it… one knows as much as I do……” Does this describe your mindset? If statistics are correct, you are in the majority of the population across the US. It really doesn’t matter if you live in NYC, or Miami, Houston, Columbus, Des Moine, Seattle or LA.
Here’s the lesson in this blog post: This mindset that I know all I need to know right now to make all my decisions for myself, my family, my life, my home, my community and so on, is ultimately the starting and ending point of your undoing. When we stop learning and growing in our knowledge and awareness of what impacts our lives we begin to deteriorate and crumble.
Let me tell you a story, when our family first moved to California one of the first things that was thrown on our doorstep was a huge yellow pages book. For some reason instead of just tossing it on a shelf (with the mindset….I know where it is if I ever need it….and for those of you who do not know what a yellow pages book is…think “Google”…), I decided to open the huge thing and inside the front cover was a entire page of what to have and what to do when (not if) an earthquake hits California. I paid attention. I prepared the necessary items and made our family aware of what was where and why it was there. That was February 1989. In the fall when school started an unusual supply list came home with our children; the earthquake supply list. I dutifully complied. Not even 30 days later the huge 1989 earthquake hit and pancaked the famous “Bay Bridge” and millions of lives and businesses were disrupted. Being prepared and paying attention to doing what might happen is important in every area of your life as it was for my family.
What part of your life are you neglecting and not prepared for?
The areas of your life that are important as a freshman in college are very different than those of a person of 30, 50 and 80. I encourage you to look at your life and see where you need to “become prepared” and do something now.