How To Stay Positive Here and Now!

Last night I was on a Women On The Move Panel discussion for the Business Professional Women’s Association here in my town.  The room was packed and the women-in-business who attended were full of wonderful questions about all kinds of topics.

I was one of four professional coaches who addressed the crowd and their concerns and their thoughtful questions.  I gave out a handout entitled:  How to Stay Positive and Find New Opportunities for Growth in a Changing Economy.   My handout had 21 Keys for Success In Any Economy.

Every single coach on the panel at one time during their conversation with the audience mentioned that “being grateful” is one of those 21 Keys in their own unique way.  I repeated that phrase 6 times.  I pointed out that everyone in that room had shoes on their feet, a coffee cup filled with something to drink, a nice handbag, nice clothing and they all came in a car and that many of those things are no longer a standard for many women in business today who have been laid off.  Everyone has a multitude of things to be grateful for.

What are you grateful for this very minute?

After the panel discussion was over, the table was surrounded by women who still wanted more. 

To that end, I will be holding an open mic call on Monday, May 18th at 7 – 7:50 PM EST. 

On this call I will give you the listener the “21 Keys for Success In Any Economy” as my gift to you for calling.  Here’s a preview:

Key # 21 is:  Smile and Be Grateful for what you have right now!

Join me:  Call:  1-712-421-7726 and enter PIN 694962 #.

Jot down a couple of burning questions you would like to ask.  I plan to answer several caller questions.

Enjoy Life!  Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet here, you have only this moment today to make a difference!

