How are those New Year’s Resolutions holding up?

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My 2015 New Year’s Resolutions

Well January is almost finished and you know what that means ~ a full 90% of us have long since left those New Year’s Resolutions in the dust or out there in the deep freeze of winter.  So now what?  Are you perhaps searching for another solution to the challenges still staring you in the face?  We all know the answer to question even if we would rather not admit it ~ it is YES. 

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SO where does one go to find the answer?  If you are like most you will go to your browser of choice and begin a “search”.  But, what are you going to search for?  How do you actually put what is intangible into that search bar?   Let’s start with a much simpler question here shall we?

Making Bad Decisions

“Where do you feel the most pain in your life today?”

Do you feel pain in your home life?

Do you feel pain in your parenting?

Do you feel the most pain when it comes to money?

Do you feel the most pain when it comes to own safety?

Do you feel the pain of not being able to give back?

Do you feel pain because you are not in a position to grow in one or all of  these areas:  Your Spiritual life, Your  Personal Life, or Your Professional life?

Do you feel enormous pain because you have not taken care of yourself?

Do you feel pain due to lack of having just plain FUN?

Do you feel pain due to the lack of relationships, lack of them, or poor relationship with others?

Do you feel pain in the area of health and wellness or due to aging?

Do you feel pain in your spiritual life?

Do you feel pain in your professional/career?

Where in the twelve life areas listed above do you feel the most unhappy, uneasy, the most pain in your life?

#1 is:

Now that you have actually stated this out loud [so to speak], it is real.  You have really made a statement here by doing this and I want to commend you for being so BOLD!  This is really good thing.  You are now ready to do something about it.  What is it about this item here you have listed as the #1 thing which is currently causing you the most pain in your life, which you truly believe you have not ability to change?  Write that belief down in one cohesive sentence. No blaming, no excuses, just the facts.  How much of what is causing you this pain is in your control?  Of that which is in your control, are you willing to do something about?  So take one thing and make that your priority to make better for the next month.  Do not depend on anyone else to make this one thing better.  Do it yourself.  Elevate that which causes you pain and convert it into something that now will bring you joy.  Let go of the pain and chose to let go of the pain willingly.  This is your main task for the Month of February!

#2 is:

It is now March, and it just may be possible for you to accomplish another feat of joy this month if you are willing to put your ego aside and work on taking pain out of your life.  How does that sound to you, taking pain out of your life for the month of March?  I thought so, so in #2 you wrote down the second most painful items in your life and since you just proved you could tackle and defeat pain big-time in February, you know what?  I know you will be able to accomplish the same thing again, because you have already done so!  So over the next few weeks, look at where this pain originates, and ask yourself this:  “Does holding onto this pain help me in my life?” and also ask yourself this too:  “How does dwelling on this pain, give me joy, hope and move me to the future I hope to have in 2015?”  I know you know the answer already,  “…….holding on to this particular pain, does not  help me in my life, and holding onto this pain does not give me joy nor does it give me hope or move me into the future I have for myself in 2015!”  So if you were able to simply open your clenched fists right now and release the pain of #2, and then walk away from it, and live the remainder of the days and weeks in March, how do you think the rest of the month will be?  You know what, I do too!

#3 is:

Can you believe it is the lovely month of April and already it is beginning to get warm again and the earth is coming back to life after the long winter [at least for most of the United States which has been in a deep freeze].  Here is your deep #3 pain staring you in the face at the beginning of a month when we are all thinking about shedding those winter heavy clothing and getting outside to enjoy the world again.  What do you say to shedding #3 and letting go of this pain and stepping outside to enjoy all that nature has to offer?  The energy drag of #3 will drain away all the knowledge, creativity and sparkle within you much like the little storm clouds which come up on the horizon.  When you freely choose to let go of whatever the pain of #3 is  you will find your own ray of sunshine breaking through those storm clouds.  Walking in the warm rays of the sun is always so much better than walking around with your head in a thunderstorm.

#4 is:

So what is this pain here in #4?  Is it so bad that it actually ranks a place?  Is this #4 something that as you now think back on it, you now know how to move it from pain to manageable discomfort and then to annoyance and then to swat it like a fly, and then to just dismiss it entirely?  You now know that to hold on to this negativity will only drain you of vital energy you need to pursue things of far greater value.  You see we cannot give what we do not possess.  If we spend all our energy holding onto the pain of #4, #5, #6, #7……..we have no room for creativity, new thoughts, love, tenderness, to volunteer, to help another person, to love another, to solve a problem, to dry a tear, to help another person who needs our help, to  come to the aid of someone who could truly use our skills and knowledge, we leave no room for serendipity.

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#5 is:

 You know it is now SUMMERTIME ~ Hooray!  So what do it gain for you to be carrying around #5 during these glorious summer months, when you could be doing something FUN?  What will it benefit you by holding on to the PAIN of #6 instead of letting go it and turning it into a positive?

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#6 is:

It’s the 4th of July ~ How do you celebrate FREEDOM?  What if you celebrate FREEDOM this month by releasing the pain of #6?!  Let the fireworks of the hate, the pain, and all that goes with it go with the rockets red glare tonight!   Wake up on the 5th of July a new person FREE!  What a glorious feeling to celebrate!  What will you do with your new found freedom today?

#7 is:

You know it is not too late to make the most of this last month of summer.  You can be simply deciding today August 1st to let go of all the pain of #7 and the remaining ones through the end all the way to #12.  Do you have any idea what a glorious  remainder of 2015 you will have if you just say:  “I am setting myself free from these things, and I choose no longer to let these 12 things control, dominate my thoughts and consume my energy!”  I know you will feel as if a backpack full of rocks has just been taken off of your shoulders!

#8 is:

#9 is:

#10 is:

#11 is:

#12 is:

You know what time of year it is again here…….yep, it is Christmas, New Year’s Eve…..and you know what, I know you are not worried this year because you no longer have those resolutions hanging over your head, because you have dealt with them.  I know this has been a “HEAD EXERCISE” but it really has been a great one, hasn’t it?   You did understand how well this works when you can see the future in this manner and project what your own actions and thoughts can do to create the future you seek and in those same thought you can create the prison you voluntarily keep yourself locked up in by not letting go of one or all of those places of pain.

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 I wonder how many of us actually do what it takes to move our own piece forward on the chess board of our lives?  Someone once said:

“Dreams don’t work unless you do!”

What are you willing to work for in your life?   What dreams are you willing to work for in 2015?  January is now gone and February in upon us…….What Will You Do?



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