Growing Your Business

Spring has once again started to sprout in yards across this country.  Where I live spring blossoms are everywhere scenting the air and bringing vibrant color back into our life. Business is a lot like spring isn’t it.  We are business owners must plant a seed and then water it, make sure it is in the right soil with the right amount of sunshine and tenderly care and cultivate it until it grows strong enough to produce next year’s seeds.

I recently was on a call with one of my mentors and the facilitator equated our business to that of a farmer planting his crop for the year.  Each business needs 5- FIVE things to grow.  Let’s explore each of the FIVE.

First Thing

Everything starts with a seed.

What in your business is in this untapped state right now – a SEED?

Second Thing

Your business see has “no power” until you plant it in your business. You do not have to KNOW everything that may happen to the seed when you plant it, but you must first plant the seed.Here’s a news bulletin for those of you just starting out:  Do you believe this statement: “You must know more and everything about your seed before you plant it?”  This is a false narrative many businesses fall victim to.  No one can know everything all the time. 

As a new business owner in the early 2000’s I used to think I just need to get this additional information on the Why, and the How, to START!  What a false premise!  I wasted many months and years chasing something that I didn’t need at that moment. 

So, ask yourself this: “What do I need to STOP chasing?”

It is Okay to not know the next step.

This is a process, and you begin to grow and basically sprout just as a seed does.

Third Thing

Your seeds secure your future.  You may not see the growth from the seed because it is in a dark place in the ground, but it is growing.  Slow growth is just as important as fast growth.  The difference is your ability to adapt, change and measure growth.

Too often business owners fail to let the process unfold. Every “farmer/business owner” knows there are going to be tough times vis-a-vie storms, floods, freezing weather, scorching heat, no rain and so on. The business owner must also prepare themselves for these same types of events, economic downturn, new policies and laws from the state and federal institutions, a global pandemic, not enough skilled labor to fill vacancies, no ability to secure a loan and other issues.

If you are a fair-weather, or even an avid gardener, you know to expect weeds to chock out your crop of tomatoes or to invade a beautiful flower bed, or those pesky dandelions in your green lawn.  We prepare for those in various ways, such as weed and feed products and a constant kneeling down and had pulling these weeds so we can enjoy the fruits of our garden.  Right?  The same is true for the businessman or woman.  Having the right processes, tools, and support is vital to those weeds choking out our profit.

Fourth Thing

Once you begin with a close eye on your crop/business, you immediately want to know how to increase your harvest/your revenue.  To some this is obvious, but to others this is a huge, daunting task.  Many feel they do not have the skills, knowledge and or resources to really get the growth they need to be a sustainable business. 

The key question here becomes: “What is the best way to reproduce success in my business?”  Do I have to always pay for this reproduction?  Or do I already have many of the tools, knowledge and support I need to move the needle here?

Many years ago, I was privy to a process where I determined on my own how to best reproduce what my own revenue stream was and how to implement it in a timely manner and on a timetable that suited me and my business.   What is that you may ask? 

I am a creative soul, so I tool a piece of poster board and cut it into a huge circle.  I then began to draw lines through it like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.  I believe I had thirty-two lines [32].

Then I began to think about how to replicate myself/reproduce myself to the world. Here are just a few of the ways I wrote into each of those wedges on my “Reproduction Wheel.”

  2. Your elevator speech must be synced and you must be able to articulate this sentence: “I help “X” do “Y” so they can do “Z”What is yours?
  3. Write a weekly/monthly blog.
  4. Write and repost that blog onto Facebook.
  5. Repost the blog to other social media sites.
  6. Make a website.
  7. Be a guest blogger for others.
  8. Attending local networking events to get my name out there and meet other business owners.
  9. Write a book.
  10. Serve others for free.
  11. Do a podcast.
  12. Read material in my field to be current on what is trending.
  13. Learn how to get my website to the top 10 on Google.
  14. Take my basic message and segment it into an online program.
  15. Start a mentorship site.
  16. Start a multi-level online program for a fee.
  17. Get video testimonials from previous clients.
  18. Ask for referrals.
  19. Write articles and submit them to local publications.
  20. Speak and train at my local Chamber of Commerce.
  21. And so many other things that you may not think of, ask other business owners what is working for them today. 
  22. If you ask what the biggest issues are for other business owners that is you “in” as to how to sell your product [such as coaching] to them. 
  23. Always give 3 items [articles or other knowledge] away to show good faith and knowledge, then ask for the buy.

Fifth Thing

Finally, to wrap this up, it is sometimes the hardest thing to “WAIT for the HARVEST”.  People today are not in a rush [this is my experience] to grow and or improve themselves.  I could post here so many negative comments about “growth” and that a person feels they no longer need to grow.  You might say they feel they are a “know-it-all and at the pinnacle of their game.” This shows a person’s arrogance.  Life and business are in a constant state of change, and we must adapt or go out of business.

As business owners we must live in a constant attitude of confidence and grace.  There will be boom months and years and there will lean months and years.

Be a giver but also be open to be a receiver. It is important to walk slowly through the crowd. Listen more than you talk. Allow others who are ahead of you to plant seeds of wisdom into your life, professionally and personally.  You have read this many times in my blogs over the past 20 years:  “We become the five [5] people we hang around the most with.” 

Who are you hanging around with today?

Who are you listening to today?

Look back up there on the list at #2.  Can you state why you are in business immediately?  If your answer is NO, then you have work to do.

We are here to help. Reach out anytime via email and just ask.
Happy Planting!!
8914 Collina Ct.
Granite Bay, CA 95746

