I am looking for some really great stories that I know are out there among you my readers. Each and every one of you has a story which will impact the life of someone else. You just never know who is in the same place you were yesterday or last year or 10 years ago. Your story can change a life.
It would be my honor to hear your story. So here’s what I am looking for:
*A story of over coming something: (like cancer, like a job loss, like a divorce, like following one path only to find that when you got to the “golden moment” it wasn’t so golden after all)
* A story of a wonderful mentor in your life or a person who influenced you long after they had exited your life.
*A story of being a role model for someone and what happened to that person.
*A story about rising to the top and breaking through the glass ceiling only to find that being there was not satisfying.
*A story about quiting it all and leaving behind the corporate life for raising your children.
*A story of how having it all was really not what life is really about.
*A story about a parent’s heartache when a child goes astray and how to heal your own heart.
As with any story it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. The ending does not always have to be tied up pretty with a bow.
I want to know:
1: What was the defining moment for you?
2. When did you realize you had changed?
3. What has that one decision made in your life?
You may change the names to protect the persons involved. You may send your stories to this blog. Please include a way to get in touch with you either by email, phone, or snail mail.
And thank you ahead of time. People really relate to true stories which always impact the lives of others. These are the true heroes of our day.