Good News-Tragic News

What do you do when you receive Good News?

What do you do when you receive Tragic News?

Our reaction which is a compound word:  “re(al) action” in others words our honest response to what news we receive is an interesting study in human behavior.   If you are like 80% of the world you have a default “negative” response or reaction to both good news and bad news.  Why is that?

Our negative reaction has everything to do with our brain, the neuroscience of how our magnificent brain works.  I have been doing extensive reading in the month of January on this topic and writing hundreds of pages of the subject and expanding my own deepening knowledge in this area.   Everything we do begins in the brain.

Before I dive into this whole topic over the next several months, I would really like to hear from you on these first two questions.  You may post your comments/answer in the box below.

What do you do when you receive Good News?


What do you do when you receive Bad News?


