Fun and Your Relational Cornerstone

Living in an environment of constant information input is overwhelming to the human body.  I do not need to have a scientific research report to know that this is true and a fact of our modern day lives.  If you just look over at the person in the next cubicle, texting, or walking down the street you can plainly see it on the faces of every person you pass.

I equate this to the story of the frog who is dropped into the pot of cool water and the heat is slowly turned up.  We are that frog my friend and we are reeking havoc on our bodies, minds and souls.

We wake up exhausted and we fall into bed at night (and sometimes we fall asleep on the couch or in a chair and are not in bed) exhausted.   I recently did a “Google” word search and I found that on this particular day at a particular time more than 30,000 people were searching online about the word “sleep”. 

What has sleep, constant information overload and fun have to do with this “Relational Cornerstone”?

They are all intertwined.  When we are in a state of overload; we do not get restorative rest and we do not have room in our busy lives for fun and we each need a little bit of fun on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis in order to be healthy.

What does fun look like to you?

What does fun sound like to you?

What does fun feel like to you?

When was the last time you put fun into your day?

My experience is that we try to make “fun” too complicated and perfect.  That is not fun.

Here are some things that you can do today that will take only 5 minutes:

*  As you walk or drive home and you pass a park, stop and sit for 5 minutes and just drink in what is around you.

*As you walk or drive home past a playground with children playing, stop and just watch the joy of having fun on their little faces.  If there is an empty swing, I invite you to sit down and swing for 5 minutes.

*  Buy yourself a bottle of “bubbles” and go outside and blow bubbles.  Notice how they float up and away.  Enjoy the moment.  Pop them into your bag and bring them out when you need “a little fun”

*  Pop a piece of  bubble gum in your mouth and blow the perfect bubble.  Yes, your jaw will hurt, but no worse than when you clinch you teeth.

*  Doodle on a piece of copy paper.  Let your mind wander.

* Pull out one of your children’s story books and read one of “your favorite” stories. (I have kept all of our children’s book and they are plainly displayed.  I love picking them up, and become whisked away to a simpler time.)

*  Sit down with your child and color together in a coloring book you color one page and let your child color the other side.

*  Watch an old TV sitcom and just laugh

*  As you are out to lunch or running an errand, stop and read the “humorous” greeting cards.  This is one of my favorites.  When I go grocery shopping, I go do that isle every time and read a couple and I get a huge smile on my face.

*  Go outside and play with your children even if it is only for a few minutes.  Bundle up even if it is freezing out there.  Come in and have some hot chocolate together.

*  Listen to one of those mystery radio programs on your satellite radio as you drive home from work and become involved in the “Who Done It?”

*  Play with your dog.

*Pet you cat.

*Sing along with your bird.

You see fun is not a dirty word.  It does not require lots of elaborate planning.  You just have to do it as you go about you life.  Plugging into something fun will lift your spirits, refresh you and give you a smile.

How will you have “Fun” today?  I guarantee it will improve your relationships!

