Finances: What do you believe?

It is interesting how meeting and connecting with those people who are in your own circle of 250 contribute to how we are each connected in life.

Recently I was at an appointment with one of my 250 and the person said:  “…you are so interesting, I could talk to you all day…”.  I graciously replied “Thank you.”      The person went on to inquire:  “….don’t you do speaking or consulting or coaching or something like that….?”  I again said:  “…yes.”  “What do you speak on?”   Here’s where the conversation got very interesting and at the end we somehow were in a different office within this business I had an appointment with and a promise of a speaking engagement and a person who was leaning forward and their eyes were bugging out of their head.

Just to give you a hint of what transpired over the next 15 minutes may actually help you in your own “finances”.

Here’s what I know; if you do not know what you believe about money and finance and where you got that belief and if you actually believe it or not you are in for a very stressful life of always worrying about your money and finances.

So here’s the million dollar question:   What do you believe about finances and money?

Followed by:  Where did you get that belief?

And finally:  Is that belief that you are holding about money and finance still working for you today where you are in your life?

If you are anything like the average person who is working, is married to a person who is working two jobs, trying to raise children and pay the bills,  what I suspect is that there will be silence following each question.

Why you may think to yourself.   That is really the easy part of all of this.   We as a nation do not teach these things, we do not ask these questions of ourselves and we do not think about how best to solve these issues we, merely just toss those bills, overdue notices and other items that have to do with finances and money into a drawer or basket and try to forget about them until we have to deal with them at some point during the 30 – 31 days of each month.

I encourage you to ask these three questions of yourself, and your partner, your spouse or your roommates and put everything is out in the light of day.  If what you believe no longer serves you, then you really need to investigate and educate yourself about what rings true inside of you.  In other words, when you learn the facts about how money and finances work and what is realistic and what is not realistic and you adopt that belief and follow the plan to keep you solvent and living withing your own balanced budget and lay aside those habits and spending of money through influencers you will be so much better off.

A weight will be lifted off of you.

When will you ask yourself these three questions?



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