Eve’s Call

Hello once again and I want to invite you to our call about Eve’s Beginning.  Each Wednesday night for the next several weeks we will explore what it means to be EVE.  I am talking about being a Woman.  Being EVE at work, in business, at home, in your private life, in your relationships and many other relevant topics to today’s woman.

Please join a group of other women who have gathered together to listen and grow in thier knowledge of what it means to be EVE in today’s buisness climate and in our personal lives.

Call Date:  Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Our call in line number is:  1-712-421-7726.

Just dial the number above and when prompted put in this passcode:  694962#

Janice Bastani is your host for this 60 minute call!

I hope to hear you on our call!  Please join our group of friends!

