Equipping…Whose Responsibility Is It…..Really?

 It is that wonderful time of year known as “Graduation Time”.  All over this nation of ours young men and young women are donning their cap and gown and making that triumphant walk from childhood into adulthood.  Or are they?


This entrance into the auditorium or theatre or gym or athletic field is a very proud moment for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and onlookers who come to witness this right of passage from one season of life into another.


How ready are those graduates who are seated there in front of you?  Yes, they have completed the bare minimum required by the law, the state and the institution where they have put in their time and money, but what about those intangible things that equip each of us to live “out there”?  You know, “out there” in the real world.


Let’s go back many, many years ago when you graduated from High School.  You remember that day.  I know your heart was excited and beating out of your body with the anticipation of being finally “FREE”!  With that “freedom” came a truck load of responsibilities that you most likely didn’t see heading right for you at the other side of the stage once you took that diploma in hand and raised it and your cap to the sky in victory!


I want to ask you now:

What do you wish you had been taught before you walked across that stage?

What one thing would have saved you your first big headache out there in the real world?

What did you have “no clue” how to do?

What did you have “no clue” how to act?

What did it take you “years” to master?


Right now, who do you know that is graduating who needs that same information? 


Are you willing to reach down from the lofty years of your own struggle to pull up another young eager adult who needs to be equipped?


How would you do that in an “honoring way” which is a true “priceless gift”?


What would happen if you spent an afternoon, or a day, or a weekend with that young person? 


What you would find out is that you “BOTH” would benefit tremendously and you both would go back home with more than you came with.


A new bond and a brand new relationship will be formed. 

I would love to hear your story of success!  

Would you do me the honor of sharing your story?


