Emotional Decision Making

You have all heard of “emotional eating”, did you know you can also have “emotional decision making”?

Think about it.    If you eat when you are upset and don’t want to deal with something, it also holds true for not making a decision when you are emotionally upset or emotionally high about something in your personal life or in your professional life.

Make sense?

So what puts you in emotional overload?

What puts you in an emotional high state?

Both of these can have disastrous consequences!  Have you ever been on an emotional high and brought something that you would have never purchased if you had not been in a giddy mood?  Yep, we all have done this.  On the other hand, when we are on emotional overload we sometimes decide to do or say something we would never say in other circumstances.  We’ve all been there and done or said the same thing.

The bigger question here is:  “What can I do when I am in a state of emotional high or emotional overload?”

The best thing you can do for yourself and those who depend on you is to:  P-A-U-S-E, take a deep breath and come back to a place of neutrality.

Only in this place of balance without the extra emotional input can you make intelligent choices and decisions.

So, today, try to P-A-U-S-E and regain your sense of balance and then “DECIDED”.

