We are on a roll here, can you feel the movement?!
These are very simple things that make a huge difference in our lives when we take them one small step at a time.
You know when a new school year starts, and we start to think about buying new clothing for our kids or a new season is upon us, we start to feel that tug of “going shopping for new things”. Getting something new is always a great start to any new year, school term or new season, especially when the first flakes of snow falls and we don’t have any matching gloves or hats or scarves!
Here’s a great way to save money and to teach your children a skill that when practiced 4 times a year (each season and the start of the new school year) will result in a lifelong habit which will be one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.
Set aside a whole day of shopping in their rooms! Everyone starts with their underwear drawer. Take the drawer out and dump it on the bed. Play some great music to keep the energy high in the house! If it fits and they love it….fold it and put it back in the drawer. If it is old, worn out, elastic is stretched out or no longer fits…..it gets tossed into the hall!
Here’s where you teach them to appreciate what they have….MOM……..give each child a pad of paper for writing down what new items he/she needs to have for their year. This is a great teaching opportunity here: How many pairs of underpants does one person need? Maybe it is 7 underpants, one for each day and then they all get washed once a week. This will be something you and your family will need to decide on. Have the kids write down what the difference is on their list of items needed.
Continue on with the drawers, use that same process we did with your 10 hangers when you move to their closet. Things go out of style, kids grow fast, if the kids grow out of clothing and it is still in good shape perhaps it can be passed down. Make a second pile for these items. Remember neighbors, church members in need, nieces, and nephews who can use clothing which is still in good shape!
Remember to take breaks and talk about taking care of our things, how to repair clothing (such as sewing on a button, or mending a hem), and that every piece of clothing has a life cycle of wear. These simple times of teaching will give your children a lifetime of skills and appreciation for what they are blessed to have.
Now after you have finished, the most important lessons begin.
We will talk about this next time in Downward Spiral # 6.