Today is one of the days that our family, closes the shades and keeps the cars in the garage. The only other day that we do this is December 26th!
Are we as a society so weak that we can be whipped up into a buying frenzy that if we don’t do this shopping TODAY, we will miss out on………WHAT?
It is insane to me.
How many of you on any other Friday morning give your right arm to sleep until 10 am?
But, no, you set your alarm for the midnight and 4 am, 5 am door busting specials. To what end?
We lost our minds decades ago on this one and the insanity continues.
What do I do you are asking?
My family send me the exact link to the item they are hoping for and I set a budget, look at the items and click, click and I’m done.
I reuse great gift bags, and wrap one or two gifts with my creative flare and it is all about us not the stuff.
As for me, I am always looking for a great new tree to be planted in the yard.
My husband surprised me the other day with a long stick with ribbons on it and he was jumping up and down outside my office window.
When I finally noticed him (ugh!) I opened the window and asked him: “What are you doing?”
He said: “Merry Christmas!……Can you see me here?…….Is this where your new evergreen tree needs to go so you can see it from your desk?”
“I will put the stake (stick) in the ground and they are planting it next week. We can put lights on it and light it up for you to see outside your window!”
Now, that’s a great GIFT!