Cornerstone #4 – Spiritual

Cornerstone #4 is probably the most important and at the same time gets the most push-back from the public at large.  What is it about this word “Spiritual” that pushes the “hot button” on so many folks?  My firm belief on this is that the word “Spiritual” is equated to putting “restrictions” and “limits” on behavior, thoughts, actions, words and so on.  Just like the two year old who seems to utter only “NO” for a whole year, or “I do it myself”, we too find ourselves in rebellion of “instruction” and want to live our lives in the manner which suits us with no taboos, no consequences and no boundaries which might restrict our having “fun” in life as we want to live it.

As a a coach and mentor and role model, I have found that this is again one of the cornerstones where clients do not have any structure to their belief.  Hold on here just a moment, and hold off on the attitude here.

If you are one of the millions who totally reject anything coming close to “spiritual” that’s OK, however, you must have something to replace it.  I am not trying to convert you or shove anything down your throat here in this piece. 

What I am asking you is:  “What do you actually believe?”

What I am asking you is:  “Why do you you believe that?”

What I am asking you is:  “Please state what it is that you are living for and what are your personal boundaries in life and how is that mindset working in getting you where you want to go?”

If you do take some type of “Spiritual” stand in the form of an organized religious base; then I would ask you the same set of questions:

What I am asking you is:  “What do you actually believe?”

What I am asking you is:  “Why do you you believe that?”

What I am asking you is:  “Please state what it is that you are living for and what are your personal boundaries in life and how is that mindset working in getting you where you want to go?”

If you are a parent; I want to ask you:

“What are you modeling in terms of the “Spiritual” side of life that is building and setting in place this cornerstone for your children, and extended family or any other young person that you have contact with?”

I have heard many, many times from adults that:  “My children will decide for themselves when they get old enough.”  May I challenge you that this only results in confusion with most young people.  I have personally spoken to so many children whose parents have this mindset of “no spiritual training at all” for their children and the questions that these children ask are truly heartbreaking.

It is my experience also that as we age, we somehow begin to self talk ourselves out of working on this important cornerstone.  Many people who have had poor experiences with organized religiousorganizations have slammed the door because of one or two poor experiences and are not willing to really search until they find a place where they feel nourished spiritually.  This holds true regardless of the faith that one associates themselves with.

There are still others who feel that they are too far gone, or too old, or too rigidto make any change.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Still others think that they do not have the time, do have the commitment, talent or whatever excuse they have to even make an attempt finding out what this cornerstone is all about.

Over then next two weeks, we will explore how this 4th cornerstone plays out in the many areas of our lives.  My challenge to you is to continue to read these posts over the next couple of weeks and then decide for yourself if you might like to put your toe in the water and shore up your spiritual cornerstone.

No one will know, it is just you and these words on the screen.  If you make a decision to move forward and to do something about this cornerstone, only you will know.  I encourage you to just stay tuned and to read through each area of life and see how this cornerstone impacts each.

