Compromising Your Convictions

I will begin today with an awareness that you already know what these two words in the title mean:  Compromising and Convictions.

Just for the sake of being really, really fast; write down as fast as you can all of your “Convictions” – GO!

How many did you write?

Put a check mark next to all of those where you have “Discernment”.

How many did you check?

If you have none checked or maybe you came up blank on the “Convictions”, you my friend are falling down a continuous waterfall with no bottom or splash down.

It’s also like a whirlpool continuously moving and whirling around and more and more water is coming in and you have no hope of breaking free to swim out.  Once you begin to compromise your convictions you are sucked in and around and down in every aspect of your life.

Your behavior, your affections, your priorities are all compromised.

It is subtle at first and slowly ticks in the direction of the thing that draws you in…and soon you are drowning and you don’t know how you got there.  With every minute tick away from your core convictions, your mind, heart and soul get sucked further in and more vulnerable so it takes less and less to lead you further away.

When your wake-up call first comes – your first re-actions will be: denial, resistance,  hesitation, complete confusion because of the competing messages.  You will be asking yourself – “…who do I believe?…”

Fill yourself with truth.  Ask God to put a godly person in your path to be a buddy or a girlfriend to help you click back, one tick at a time back to wholeness and conviction.  Stay in the truth.  There will be a light on the road in front of you, walk right there, do not stray over into the dark area where it is hard to see and discern.  That darkness is the edge of the whirl pool and it will suck you back in and down.

None of us is perfect all the time.

What are your convictions?

What in your life is just to valuable to compromise?

