Come Alive!

When you read the title of this post, what comes to mind?

Come Alive!

How do you come alive?

I want to challenge you this weekend to do one thing that makes you come alive.

If you are married, ask your spouse and then together and do what ever it is that makes your spouse come alive.  I would encourage you to observe how you spouse changes when he/she is in the process of getting that fulfillment.  Take in the joy and pleasure that you observe right in front of you.

If you have a family around you do the same thing and becomes a great observer of how others get fulfilled by doing something that makes them COME ALIVE!

Now, here’s the challenge for you.  In order for you spouse, your children, your friends, extended family, co workers etc. to live a balanced life and YOU too; we each must experience that activity of coming alive on a regular basis.  What is that frequency for each person that you love and care about?

Give each of those loved ones the freedom to be fulfilled daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and you will be amazed at the dropping of stress in your own life.

