
September marks an important month in 2023. You have less than 121 days left to make headway in whatever area of your career or business. It may seem like a lot of time, but in reality, it isn’t much time at all. How do you handle change? Do you roll with it, or do you dig your heels in, and your self-talk says:  “I am just done with the changes in 2023! There have been too many too fast, and I want off this change hamster wheel! Right Now!!”

I hear you; I am in that same conscience stream of thinking at this very moment. My personal year of 2023 has been basically a blur of heartache, change, joy, and uncertainty. It is hard, isn’t it? How have you handled it? 

I have been reading a book called “A Moment to Think” by Juliet Funt. When I talk about this read, I say to myself, what about this: “A Moment to Read!”  What steals those moments of reading, reflection, thinking, and taking action today right now? 

Have you ever played catch, baseball, or softball? If you have, you know that there are times when the “BALL” comes so fast it burns your palm when you catch it. There are also times when the “BALL” flies by you so fast it is a blur, and you turn around to see where it went. Right? That’s the way life has been for me this year. 

We can process what has flown by or stay stuck in the blur of change. So, I decided to set aside a whole day with my calendar and look at every week up to the posting of this blog and see what my internal response is to what has flown by me in the past eight months. Yes, it was cathartic and very hard, but in that same emotional process, it was very cleansing. 

How do you process the blurs in your life? Maybe you are the person in this image; you just sit there and tie yourself up in knots with no clear path out of the quagmire you find yourself in. This is not healthy. If you are like most people who try to escape into a bottle of something, pour out a couple of pills, escape into the internet, or binge-watching something, when you finally come out of that stupor, you are in the same place tied up in knots.

The same old thinking will garner the same old results! 

Let’s take a different approach to the blur of change.

Step 1

It is normal to experience change. It comes daily. It comes fast. It is sometimes unexpected. At other times, you know it is coming. It is just a matter of time. Change is a normal part of living. I bet if you took your calendar and started looking at the change, or perhaps you journal daily, you will see exactly what I am talking about.

Step 1 – Realize CHANGE is normal.

Step 2

How’s your attitude about change? If you see all change from a “victim’s” mentality, that is what your life will look like every time change comes your way. You may not be able to change what is coming your way, but you can put up your baseball glove and, catch the change, and evaluate the change coming your way. I will quote Wayne Dyer here:  “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Step 2 – Your ATTITUDE is the key.

Step 3

Did you know you will become just like the five people you hang around with? Yep! That is something you can do something about right now. Change your friends. Are they growing? Are they reading? Do they have a growth mindset and keep moving upward and excelling? If they are not, kick them to the curb. You are a winner, my friend. I can assure you 100% those losers will find someone else to drag in and down into their loser club!

Step 3 – CHANGE your Friends.

Step 4

Are you a person who thinks, acts, and makes all your decisions in life and in those times of turmoil with your emotions? How are your emotions changing who you are internally? This is a subtle process, and it has been going on inside of you all your life. It changes your DNA, your personality, and your body’s ability to process food, chemicals in your brain, and your speech and actions. This isn’t a trivial thing. If you have ever been to a High School Reunion, you will clearly see this in those familiar faces and not-so-familiar faces. Those who were bubbly, smiling, and radiating positivity still do. Then there are those old-looking cynical faces you do not recognize. Examine who you are and how you handle change.

Step 4 – Examine who you are and how you handle change.

Step 5

Count your blessings every day, even the smallest of blessings. When a person sees nothing but darkness, strife, and disappointment in their life, they are not someone anyone wants to be around. I have a wise older woman who was a mentor to me in life, and once she said this phrase that resonated with me: “Sit, Soak, Sour.”  Boy, that hit me between my eyes. We have all experienced this with a load of laundry or a sink full of dishes that sit there, and they soak in wetness, and the whole pile of clothes or dishes reeks of a sour smell. Please do not become a person whose whole being has just soured on life. If you woke up this morning, be grateful! If you have clothes to wear, be grateful! If you have food, a roof over your head, a job, a family, a friend, and on and on, you have had a blessing poured out over you, my friend.

Are you like this little image person to the left?

Reach out for help, my friend.

Email me, and let’s talk about it. 


