Broken Piece #6

This is the last piece in this Broken Series posting which is #6:

6.  We do not believe we are “Worthy” of being happy, having all that we need to live a full life.

How true is this statement about you?

It is my experience that it is unfortunately true for just about everyone who beats themselves up about the decisions that they make in life, what they want out of life and what we see in ourselves.   This comes from our own core foundation from childhood.  If you are a parent right now and you still have children who have not tried their wings out there in the big world, I encourage you to think about these past 6 postings and realized that you are the most important role model and influencer in your child’s life.  They are always watching. If you do not lift yourself up, your spouse up (even if you are divorced), that child up you are teaching that child that they have NO SELF WORTH and they will carry that forward into their own adult lives and pass the same thing on to their children. 

Let’s stop and dwell here on each area of your life and think about how worthy you feel in each area for being “happy”, feeling a since of “fulfillment” and if you do not feel these two things, instead of whining about it, let’s think about what would have to happen for you to feel “happy” and a since of “fulfillment” in that area.  Then let’s work on a way to get to that place so you can give from your abundance.

Areas of your life:

Home/Personal Environment   I am happy and fulfilled!  I am not happy and fulfilled.  ___________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Giving Back  I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Family/Parenting I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Finances I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Safety I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Growth Opportunities (remember there are three of them:  Spiritual, Personal, & Professional) I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Self I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Fun I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Relationships (Remember there are four of them:  Personal Intimate, Personal Social, Professional & Social) I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Health/Wellness/Aging I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Spiritual I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.

Professional/ Career Life I am happy and fulfilled!   I am not happy and fulfilled.    ______________________would have to happen for me to feel happy and fulfilled.
What did you learn from your answers?

What do you want to do next?

