
“Leaders have a high level of emotional intelligence,” according to Daniel Goleman. Self-examination is the fastest way to “self-awareness.”   “Self-awareness” requires a few things:  sincerity, genuineness, honesty and authenticity.  On any given day, most of us are wary of receiving feedback from others much less ourselves.  Leading yourself is the hardest job any of us will ever do.

John Maxwell gives these four approaches to becoming a person and leader with great awareness:

  1. Learn to follow before you try to lead.
  2. Develop self-discipline.
  3. Practice patience.
  4. Seek accountability.

One of my mentors once said this:  “The time to have the map is before you enter the woods.”  If we do not have a sense of direction about ourselves, we will be a poor example for others that we lead, be it family, or business. We must be able the gauge where we have been and we are headed.   People fall into one of these three categories when it comes to knowing where they are headed:

  1. Those who do not know what they would like to do.
  2. Those who do know, but do not do what is required to get there.
  3. Those who know what they want to do and then DO IT!

Which one of the three above describes you today?  In this age of constant bombardment of information, we are surrounded by experts and gurus who all claim to have the answer for each of the person described above. Everyone is seeking counsel for something.  There are lots of voices of counsel, BUT few voices of clear thoughtful purpose and vision.   Our job is to find out who we are at our deepest level and then make a choice and act. Let’s explore this now.

If you do not enjoy what you are currently doing…the question to be answered is this:  “Why am I not passionate about what I am currently doing?”

If you do not enjoy what you are currently doing…The question to be answered is this:  “What would I like to do?”  If you are not working in your passion, you will never reach your full potential or your destiny.

If you do not enjoy what you are currently doing…The question to be answered is this:  “Am I willing and able to do what I would like to do?”   You must have some criteria for knowing if what you desire to do, matches your abilities, talents and skills.

Here are some ways to help you with these questions.

Be Committed – pay people for the expertise and time
Be Consistent – get a mentor and be consistent with your monthly meetings
Be Creative – get creative by accessing their information and books
Be Purposeful – spend time daily preparing in your quest and interactions
Be Reflective – reflect on each of your interactions for the day
Be Grateful – be grateful for those from whom you have gained wisdom





Please email me with your questions, comments or suggestions at:

In March 2017 we will discuss:




