Have you noticed what is going on in business leadership lately? It seems that there is a “LID” on the idea that having a...
READ MOREStagnation vs Motivation 2024?
by Janice Bastani | Jan 1, 2024 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
By now, you have been at your desk for a couple of days and turned your calendar to 2024. What awaits you for the next 12...
READ MOREWhat’s Next?
by Janice Bastani | Dec 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
Every year in December, I post about an “End of the Year Assessment” for each of you who dare to evaluate your year....
READ MOREAre you frowning or smiling?
by Janice Bastani | Nov 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
We are now in the last quarter of 2023; how have you faired this year? Don’t think about it, react. Are you frowning or...
READ MOREDriven to Distraction
by Janice Bastani | Oct 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
Beginning this month, we start a 13-month ordeal of media distraction. You know what I am talking about end of the year, end of...
by Janice Bastani | Sep 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
September marks an important month in 2023. You have less than 121 days left to make headway in whatever area of your career or...
READ MORENavigating Life’s White Water
by Janice Bastani | Aug 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
Look closely at this image above. Have you ever felt like this in your role as a leader? I know I sure have. All of us felt...
READ MOREAbbreviated People Living Abbreviated Lives
by Janice Bastani | Jul 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
According to The Economic Times online, the following are the results of technology on our bodies and minds: Technology is an...
READ MOREDoes your plan feel like you are lost in the Sahara Desert?
by Janice Bastani | Jun 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
For twenty plus years I have coached, mentored, and trained men and women from all walks of life, business, and countries. ...
READ MORETime is your most valuable resource!
by Janice Bastani | May 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
What is your definition of a “Valuable Resource?” According to Merriam a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality...
READ MORECoachability
by Janice Bastani | Apr 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
Since COVID the clients I coach seem to be caught between two worlds and two people. The world and person they were before...
READ MORELeading in a time of Crisis*
by Janice Bastani | Mar 1, 2023 | Awareness > Growth > Freedom, Blog Posts, Feedom, Focus, Grow, Janice Bastani Coaching, Leadership, Professional Development
I am privileged to know and have Dr. John C. Maxwell as my mentor and friend and to be a part of his Maxwell Leadership Team....