So, how did you do last week with your pondering assignments?
Were you intrigued?
Did you find them hard to do?
OK…ready for today’s pondering?
Do you know the difference between an “Argument and Pretension”?
I bet you don’t so I am going to define each on for you. I want to caution you here. What you think might be the definition is not necessarily true.
You may use this in lay language and toss around words and us them in a variety of ways, but rarely are these words used in the proper pretense or way.
An “argument” refers to speculation such as:
*a “false doctrine”,
*a “false belief”,
*”something not based on truth or the facts.”
A “pretension” which is a “philosophy” (which wounds great – however under further examination we discover — this Philosophy” is really:
*not productive
*not effective
*causes more doubt and drama in our lives
Ponder on those two things for the next two days.